FORKS-COMBINEThere is near Moscow, Serpukhov district, well-known vegetable farm “zaoksky”. Here, in high school, already DEA works student design bureaus, organized from the students of high schools teacher of Evgeny by Diligently. A quarter of a century he gave to the beloved work with children. Many of his pupils-modelers repeatedly took the first places of ka of the regional and national competitions were the winners of the all-Union competition; 12 masters of sports prepared them for this time. Experienced youth mentor bears the honorary title of honored coach of the RSFSR.

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MOSCOW BMWThe idea is to make the car the most I had in those days, when “the Zhiguli””Muscovites” and even “the Cossacks” could be bought only after standing for many years in the queue. Then came other times, and the car ceased to be a deficit. There are so many makes and models, what to choose-that became difficult.

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RIDING THE FANMachinery and apparatus air cushion (profit centers and WUAs), every year more and more attracted the attention of designers all over the world. This is not surprising. The use of the inherent principle, especially for all-terrain vehicles, allows us to obtain unprecedented off-road capability and speed. They can freely and equally easy to move on the highways and country roads, marshy bog, on the water surface and a plowed field.

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racing aircar “Star-3” built members of the circle City schools Neftekumsk district of the Stavropol territory. Assembly “Stars-3” is simple. But there is a significant remark. Readers, we think, have already guessed what it is: the lack of railings in front of the screw is a safety violation.


According to the drawings published in our magazine, readers from the city of Rovno A. Current and V. Rumyantsev built Dinghy “goldfish”. But their design turned out to be faster and more stable due to the increase in sail to 5.5 m2 (statement of headsail on the bowsprit) and change the length and width of Read more…


GIVING JOURNEYGIVING JOURNEYOffer readers a description of the design built my trailer. The creation of this garden on wheels gave me the tools and guidance previously published in the journal (for example, No. 8 1969). But much had to think out myself. The trailer was simple in design, compact to transport, convenient to the Parking lot in the chosen place of rest.

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This is an interesting and at the same time very simple machine, which we want to tell you today, already mentioned in the ninth issue of our journal in 1974 (see the essay “And we in the yard”). In addition, it could see many visitors ENEA: “duet” scooters were shown in the pavilion “Young technicians”. The car enthusiasts of technical creativity, and the editors have received many letters from readers with requests to publish more detailed description.

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“Ride on this bike is a pleasure, writes us Turner V. Koval from the village of N. Galaxina Poltava region. — Easy climb up steep climbs, with only one hand develop good speed”. It is easy to see that the bike V. Koval — hand operated, through which both the leading wheels of steel.