racing aircar “Star-3” built members of the circle City schools Neftekumsk district of the Stavropol territory. Assembly “Stars-3” is simple. But there is a significant remark. Readers, we think, have already guessed what it is: the lack of railings in front of the screw is a safety violation.
According to the drawings published in our magazine, readers from the city of Rovno A. Current and V. Rumyantsev built Dinghy “goldfish”. But their design turned out to be faster and more stable due to the increase in sail to 5.5 m2 (statement of headsail on the bowsprit) and change the length and width of Read more…
“Ride on this bike is a pleasure, writes us Turner V. Koval from the village of N. Galaxina Poltava region. — Easy climb up steep climbs, with only one hand develop good speed”. It is easy to see that the bike V. Koval — hand operated, through which both the leading wheels of steel.