NTTM — VILLAGETHE CAR ROOF. For transportation of bulk cargo: flour for bakeries, cement on construction sites, fertilizers on the field — in recent years increasingly used cars with special pnevmotsitami. They are very comfortable, as they provide minimal losses during loading, unloading and transportation.

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Go to Nizhneudinsk — said to me in the Irkutsk regional Committee of the Komsomol. — Where the station Director is an enthusiast of invention, teaches kids to experiment. We hold annual regional gathering of young technicians. Nijneudins it received second prize.

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MORE OF A BIKE CHANGE SHAPEUnder this title that has become like a calling card, we publish the latest development of the professional engineer and Amateur inventor of the Bicycle (but not only) from the village of Inozemtsevo Galvanoscope district of the Stavropol territory V. M. Gavrilov. This time he invites our readers to design one-wheel trailer — truck.

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CARDS CARDS At the start, during the competition, when all the machines are in several rows lined up in front of the white line, this card is easy to get lost among the brethren. The same wheel, the usual sight for the seat and steering wheel… That’s just the engine it does not emit deafening sounds of firing, and working with a barely audible hum. The reason is simple — on the map instead of the internal combustion engine is an electric motor, powered by the familiar lead battery…

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THE GLIDER TAKES OFF FROM THE WATERBRO-17…A quiet summer evening over the water area of klaipėda seaport appeared strange flying machine: its wings were similar to a lattice, and the pilot was housed in a tiny cabin, reminiscent of a sidecar for the motorcycle, It was a new hydroplane “Duck” (Fig. 1), design B. Yu Oscines — the latter option already described in No. 4, 1975 BRO-16.

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He was born and I grew up in that land of mother Russia, where the land most of the year is under a thick cover of snow, a reason those places is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus. Perhaps that is why along with General interest in engineering of particular interest to me has always evoked the snowmobile machine. To have such was my childhood dream come true. When I grew up and learned to do many things with their hands, decided to make its design. By the time I’ve not only studied the device snowmobile vehicles, but was able to critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.

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ON THE ROAD, THE ELECTRIC CAR!Imagine: around the entrance waiting for us miniature car a nice modern shape. Let’s do a small trip. The door swings open, as usual, and gently rolled back, releasing a wide opening for planting. Installed on hinges of the seat POPs out, we get them directly from the pavement, and they can easily occupy the same position.

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UNDERWATER DIGGERSUpcoming XXV Congress of the CPSU will summarize the implementation of the ninth five-year development plan of national economy and chart a new rollers of Communist construction in our country. Like the baton, to pass a new five-year labor achievements of the ambitious objectives set in the Directives of the XXIV Congress of the party, and give a more powerful impetus to scientific and technical progress in all industries. transport, agriculture and construction.

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Built by A. Baldin from the city of podporozhe Leningrad region. This is his fourth design, and, as he writes, the most successful. The car has an enviable maneuverability, decent speed. This winter A. Baldin plans to put on motonarty cabin.