Homemade car “Tourist”, designed by V. Golovchenko from the city of Tashkent, has good proportions, clean lines. Great help, the author notes, had a publication in our magazine about the car, “Ant.” “Tourist” is well established in the far country walks. L. P. — the line deck.


ON THE STOCKS — The name we gave zernoproduktovy Motorboats, which is one of the young employees of our design Bureau, Igor Kosachev, has offered to invest inside of the boat “Progress” with the big company. His proposal, he explained this “Progress” can not serve everyone; after all someone want to go fishing, someone to water-ski…

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SNOW BIKESNOW BIKEIn the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 11’1991 I met the description motoart — tracked snowmobile, designed by brothers Matveichuk of Zavodoukovsk Tyumen region and named them “Idea-2”. The car I liked. For me, a villager, she seemed an indispensable means of transport in winter, but as for the homebrew — it is executable, even with my poor equipment of the home workshop. And there are in it: welding machine, grinding machine, drill, Yes, the usual bench tools.

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Resident of the city of Romny, Sumy region A. Zinenko reports motonartah “Romney”. “Motor scooter “Tula 200″ allows to reach the speed of 25 km/h. Motonarty very happy, — says A. Zinenko, during the entire winter they never me” did not disappoint”.


BUILDING A CARACCORDING TO THE RULES. Twenty years ago there was an extensive debate: to allow or deny self-made cars? The idea of their buildings were resistant opponents. The latter believed that “homebrew” is driven by the mere desire to get the lowest cost vehicle. Argued that such transport is made in the handicraft way, appearance is far from perfect and will not decorate the streets. But, more importantly, it can even be dangerous, as an Amateur production does not meet the requirements of industrial technology. In addition, skeptics have suggested that the need to use scarce parts can push fans to bypass the distribution network and other abuse.

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SELECTAMARK Numerous family water bikes added another interesting machine designed by our reader — engineer G. Ovchinnikov from Dnepropetrovsk. Ovchinnikov — motorist. Therefore, the main task for himself, he put the establishment of such a water bike which can be transported to krasivom the trunk of the car.

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After our magazine began to publish materials about motonartah, created by enthusiasts of technical creativity, the number of such vehicles built by Amateurs has increased dramatically. Many of them according to their operating characteristics, reliability and original design solutions of individual units are not inferior to motoneta by the industry. It fans belongs priority in the use of metal tracks instead of rubber, which become unusable at low temperatures; it has conducted a number of experiments with different wheels (spiked wheels, screws, conical paddle wheels, multi-tracks, etc.).

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