Built by A. Tkachuk from Togliatti, Kuibyshev region. Engine D-5, he put on an ordinary scooter. Front brake of racing Bicycle, rear — drum type, the battery is in a wheelchair. Maximum speed — 40 km/h.
Built by A. Tkachuk from Togliatti, Kuibyshev region. Engine D-5, he put on an ordinary scooter. Front brake of racing Bicycle, rear — drum type, the battery is in a wheelchair. Maximum speed — 40 km/h.
In this issue we introduce young innovators, participants of operation “the Introduction” with an unusual method of drying developed in Nikolaev. At our request about it, say the authors of this new technology, which not only shortens the production cycle, but also provides high quality wood.
In this issue we introduce young innovators, participants of operation “the Introduction” with an unusual method of drying developed in Nikolaev. At our request about it, say the authors of this new technology, which not only shortens the production cycle, but also provides high quality wood.