DRYING WITH WATER...In this issue we introduce young innovators, participants of operation “the Introduction” with an unusual method of drying developed in Nikolaev. At our request about it, say the authors of this new technology, which not only shortens the production cycle, but also provides high quality wood.

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SNOWMOBILES FROM THE FOREST EDGEOriginal wooden snowmobile constructed schoolchildren Gene Vorontsov, Jora of Kochetov, Svetlana Sour, Boris Nasonov, Kohl Utkin and the teacher of the O. D. of the Bars, who for several years headed the technical school circle in the village Lampozhnya Arkhangelsk region. That’s what they tell us about their cars.

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DRYING WITH WATER...In this issue we introduce young innovators, participants of operation “the Introduction” with an unusual method of drying developed in Nikolaev. At our request about it, say the authors of this new technology, which not only shortens the production cycle, but also provides high quality wood.

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BULLDOZER FIRINGStudent scientific-technical conference of faculty road cars of the Moscow motor-road University this year attracted the attention not only of students and teachers, but also industry representatives. Still, many reports of young researchers it was about issues of importance to the national economy.

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BOAT? MOTORCYCLE? CAR!BOAT? MOTORCYCLE? CAR!Doctor of technical Sciences Professor A. G. Ignatov enthusiasts of technical creativity known as the author of a number of original designs of micro cars, party contests and demonstration runs of homemade vehicles. The appearance created machines always arouses keen interest. Not to say that these designs are technically refined or Shine external perfection. Far from it: Professor A. G. Ignatov always strives to use the most available materials, but to get the maximum beneficial effect. Here is his own formulation: “I need mechanical undemanding pet. Unpretentious, like a mule. Avtomol. Perhaps better not say. Don’t need beauty need high performance, reliability and endurance. Don’t need comfort — I need the utility and simplicity of management. Don’t need high-quality and expensive finish you need a good resistance y resistance of coatings, requiring minimal maintenance and expenditure on maintenance and repairs.”

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FLEET PROJECTS“Born, live and work in rural areas, writes to the editor our reader N. Kurbatov from the village of Borisovka-2 Belgorod region. Since his school years always was doing something: model ships, planes, although no tools (except a pen knife), no literature on this subject at that time was not.

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BUILDING A CARBUILDING A CARAmateur designers often begin construction of the car, relying only on intuition, without any calculations. Most often in such cases the performance of the machine be not the such of any wanted the Creator, and the individual components break or wear out quickly.

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