BOARD AND SAILBOARD AND SAILOn the coast of California, Hawaii, Australia, that is where the huge surf rolls over the waves on a sandy shore, has long cultivated an unusual sport — surfing (from the English. SURF — surf). Places to practice them, not so much on the globe. This geographical injustice brought two Canadians, James Drake, and Freda Payne, the idea to arm the surfboard that athletes use to slide from the crest of a wave, swinging mast with a sail. “Hybrid” was extremely successful projectile so peculiar a nature that to speak about Windsurfing (so the designers named their offspring) should have already how about a brand new sport.

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TRACTOR CARThanks for the favorite magazine, which can be prescribed and stored since 1976. Many articles and tips from it helped in the construction of improvised equipment or improve production. My last design — a tractor, “CHILD”, named in honor of his grandson, who never miss an opportunity to ride with grandpa on his knees.

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AT THE START — MINICARIn every town and village there is a quiet side street with a slope, where you can organize exciting competitions manicurists. But for this first you need to build the minicar. Here, everyone takes the opportunity to demonstrate the ability of the designer and designer. I hope that the published projections minicar and its appearance will help you in the design and manufacture of this most affordable car for Teens.

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MIRACLE VEHICLEI created the all-terrain vehicle (developed design and manufactured a working model) is designed for movement in cross-country. The Rover has a two-piece articulated frame and wheels in the form of hemispheres. The turns are produced by the simultaneous “turning point” of the frame and tilting of the two axial pairs of wheels, and therefore the maneuverability of the Rover is almost the same as that of tracked vehicles.

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YOUR BEST SCREWYOUR BEST SCREWUnfortunately, experience manufacturing propellers for the Amateur designs with rare exceptions not worth repeating. And perhaps the main cause of failures in the inconsistency of the parameters of the propeller with the engine performance. Often Amateur designers create too “heavy” in the wind against the propellers, causing the engine not developing full power and thrust is insufficient.

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THE CRAB: A COLLAPSIBLE BOATThe proposed design is a four-section, three-man boat with load capacity of 320 kg In tourist trips she, being dragged to the Bank, turns in a fairly spacious “tent”, especially if you throw on top of a piece of plastic film. The boat is so simple that it can make even a person unfamiliar with shipbuilding and have only basic skills working with wood. To manufacture do not need special equipment and space, the whole boat is going in the room of a city apartment. It is made from widely available materials that can be Purchased in stores construction And household goods. The cost is Approximately 20-30 rubles (in passing it should be noted that for the registration of boats is necessary to keep all checks and receipts).

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