In every town and village there is a quiet side street with a slope, where you can organize exciting competitions manicurists. But for this first you need to build the minicar. Here, everyone takes the opportunity to demonstrate the ability of the designer and designer. I hope that the published projections minicar and its appearance will help you in the design and manufacture of this most affordable car for Teens.
When my son was little, I made him a car so he rode and mastered driving skills — in fact all the controls on it, like in a real car. The body of the car — carrying. The frame is made of wooden bars and covered with plywood bakelizirovannoj bottom, and sides — hardboard (MDF) Read more…
The proposed design is a four-section, three-man boat with load capacity of 320 kg In tourist trips she, being dragged to the Bank, turns in a fairly spacious “tent”, especially if you throw on top of a piece of plastic film. The boat is so simple that it can make even a person unfamiliar with shipbuilding and have only basic skills working with wood. To manufacture do not need special equipment and space, the whole boat is going in the room of a city apartment. It is made from widely available materials that can be Purchased in stores construction And household goods. The cost is Approximately 20-30 rubles (in passing it should be noted that for the registration of boats is necessary to keep all checks and receipts).