HPP Near the base camp in the district of Tsugaru passes along with the tourists, I have built mini-hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 15 W and voltage 220 V. This is sufficient for night camp lighting energy-saving lamps or LEDs. Day also can charge batteries of cameras and camcorders that can connect a radio or tape recorder.

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ELECTRIC VEHICLE “Oriole” — so I called built for the son of the electric car. The design idea came to me about two years ago, and much credit for this journal “modelist-Konstruktor”. Several months of estimates, calculations, dozens of layouts, hundreds of paintings and drawings of the body has led in the end to be quite rational, in my opinion, the solution. In the process of development of electric vehicles important issue was the problem of using abundant materials, parts and components, and as it seems, I managed to solve it.

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On the shelves of sports stores you can often see elegant double sledge for skiing the mountains, called “Chuk and GEK”. The sleds solidly constructed, brightly colored, very attractive in appearance, but… do not use special demand. We do not undertake to judge how good these sleds, what their shop offers, but after the installation of vasodilates D-5 and they, undoubtedly, will be a very interesting self-propelled machine (Fig. 1). Such a construction was offered by a famous Leningrad artist — N. Abramov. In our opinion, the use of sledge “Chuk and GEK” as a basis for creating various children’s trails in machine — sensible initiative. It should be noted that the possibility of their “motorization” is not limited to the offer, which did N. Abramov: in addition to wheel with spikes, can be applied to the screw or the propeller (in the latter case, it will microaerobic). Finally, why not try it instead of the internal combustion engine to set the motor power cable or contact wire?

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MOTOMACHI: IDEAS AND DESIGNSIf the village is unthinkable without the tens and hundreds of motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles, in the Northern part of the country, where winter lasts nine months of the year, the role of these public vehicles is increasingly performed motonarty. Without waiting for the industry will be able to meet the needs of northerners, many lovers of the snowmobile technicians design and make your metal samples, sometimes not inferior to industrial.

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GLIDER CLUB GLIDER CLUB The first development, which we publish, is a universal glider of class “Standard”, called “pennant-4”. Characteristics, it is approaching to widespread machine “Brazil”, but has a number of original nodes, that facilitate and accelerate Assembly and disassembly. The device has been extensively tested in various flight conditions. His flight main advantages: the minimum gliding angle, extended speed range, the ability to execute turns of small radius on all speed range, softness, and ease of management.

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In the late winter of 1974, on the snowy fields near airport “Domodedovo” there was an unusual car, like the egg of a magical bird, the ROC, or a giant cocoon. Leaving behind clouds of snow dust it with remarkable speed glided across the plain and easily overcome the pretty steep climbs. Maneuverability it aroused universal surprise: a complete course “cocoon” was unfolding just in one place!

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HELICOPTER-FIREMANMany professions small all-purpose Ka-26 in he became a forest firefighter. A simple device for extinguishing fires developed at the Leningrad scientific research Institute of forestry. It is a cable device with an outboard tank for collecting water from nearby ponds in flight.

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FORKLIFT BRANDS Shiny from the oil the heavy stack of sheets… How to approach it, how to raise and load? Until recently, this operation was quite time-consuming — each pack got tangled up in the rope and be lifted into a wagon by crane. Then had to climb inside and release the cable. Besides the fact that engaged these two people — the crane and crane work, lots of time was spent on loading, unloading, fuss with cables, and the work is far from secure.

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