Security systems are a rapidly developing area of modern electronics. Published a huge number of various schemes and designs that can make anyone a couple of times was holding the soldering iron. For example, “electronic security guards” can warn of an intruder enters the premises or to signal the presence of the recorder for unauthorized sound recordings.
Devices helpers
The formation of ice on the surface of the blades of the rotor (screw) microgenerator-ROV, wind turbines, anemometers, propeller vanes, fans, degrades performance and may lead to dangerous modes of operation – imbalance, vibration, destruction of bearings, the possibility of destruction of the structural elements is relieved by ice. To prevent such operation it is necessary to detect and eliminate incipient icing.
In large apartments and private homes in the evening and at night it is difficult to follow the dark corridors or staircases to the touch to find the button and turn the lighting.
There’s another alternative — buy a standalone lamps soft light — can be installed in any convenient place at the discretion of the owner.
I have designed the metal detector works on the principle of beating is generated due to the difference of the oscillation model and tunable oscillators (5-10-th harmonic, selects the nearest frequency). This allows to increase the sensitivity of the instrument to the point that it becomes possible to detect, say, a five-kopeck coin in the soil at 10 cm, and a steel manhole or pipe — to 65-cm depth. Performed on the available element base, a metal detector does not require careful tuning and maintenance. Power supply — galvanic battery “Crown”.
Simple circuits sound LEDs turn on electronic devices
In Amateur practice, it is frequently necessary to announce the inclusion of any homemade or industrially produced household electronic appliance, equipment or device — which is unusual, pleasant to the ear (if picked up a soft tone audible signal). This is especially true when the appliances operated with a remote control — an acknowledgement signal confirms that the received command. For example, when the operation control of air conditioning — when it is turned on or the mode is changed as a response to user, sound short and melodious sound signal duration of 1 — 2 seconds.
Buzzer on digital circuits switching on/off of electronic devices with power supply of 12 V.
In the car a lot of devices that are included in the operation key or switch. To control the inclusion of a device only by clicking a mechanical switch (which when the machine can not hear) or visual position of a key (which is not easy in motion).
The use of automotive capacitive sensor for home security.
Automotive sensors swing (vibration), RF and capacitor, responsive to the approach of people to the car or movement in the cabin, successfully adapted by hams for specific tasks in the home.
This device is designed to automatically turn on exterior lighting after dark, and, accordingly, the automatic switch-off at dawn, which is always important, especially in terms of country of residence in order to save energy resources.
The power of the connected load is 200 — 500 watts. If the load is more si-mister should be installed on the radiator area of 50 — 100 cm2. It is possible to use a more powerful triac, for example ТС112-16-10.
“Ah, summer red, I would love you, if not for the heat, and dust, Yes mosquitoes, Yes flies”. And although the high poetry of the great poet little combined with the dry prosaic lines, technical articles, these words can be safely put as the epigraph to this material. To stop the change of seasons in nature is impossible, and every year we have a “happening” summer, and with it come the usual worries of relief and localization of negative emotions, invariably manifested in humans with the appearance of annoying flying insects — mosquitoes, flies and other midges. To protect yourself from them, in nature and even at home someone buys a mosquito net, others treat themselves and family members with special insect repelling creams and formulations. However, possessing the skills, you can build a simple circuit protection device against mosquitoes, operating by using of ultrasonic radiation. What is ultrasound?
A power transformer is to convert alternating current of one voltage to alternating current of another voltage at a constant frequency. The device in the normal “classic” transformer all know from school physics lessons. The principle of operation is based on electromagnetic induction. In the primary winding under the action of tension in the core induces a magnetic flux proportional to this voltage, which, in turn, an electromotive force of self-induction (EMF) in the secondary windings is directly proportional to the number of turns of these windings.
Electronic transformer (ET) and arranged differently, and the principle of its action is quite different. In fact, ET is a switching power supply — inverter voltage with electronic protection against short circuit, overload and excessive heating of the elements. All energy-saving lamps, lamps, lamps, fluorescent lights, illumination of aquariums and other similar devices are equipped with a FLOOR probe.