THE CELLAR...THE CELLAR...In a kitchen furniture factory production somehow not provided any special locker for storing vegetables. For croup and utensils easy to adjust and offered by manufacturers of various kinds of cabinets or speakers. But for a small supply of potatoes, onions, carrots, beets would be good to have fitted a smaller capacity. Similar design in the form of neat tables offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”, description of the scheme and which, I think, will interest our readers.

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SOLDERING-IMPROMPTUBurned a soldering iron, remained unfinished design… to Get out of the situation will help the soldering iron-impromptu. Cut out a 2-mm fiberglass charge, shape and size of a soldering iron. To provide two holes for ersatz heater, which works fine 10-watt resistor type sew-10 resistance 1 kOhm. It is necessary to connect a “wire-wrap” (about this method of installation, see the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4’2001), missing in the holes in his conclusions, the power cord burnt the soldering iron (as insulation it is desirable to use heat-resistant “sleeve”).

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SELF-MADE BENDING MACHINEFlexors metal sheets are devices specifically designed for bending thin metal into shapes that are used in various applications, such as cornices, air conditioners, etc. This article will help you to construct the bending machine of medium complexity work, if you are one of those who prefers to do things on their own.

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LASER CUTTING METALCutting carbon – dioxide laser is the process by which materials are cut with focused, high-energy beam of light that is generated by a carbon dioxide laser. The laser beam is focused on a specific location of the material being cut and the heat generated forms a small, localized melting throughout the thickness of the material.

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AT FULL GALLOP ON A SPRING...In Moscow last year in the framework of the “Moscow courtyard” is an accomplishment of territories near houses: broken rekultiviruemye new or old lawns, flower beds, public gardens, installed gazebo and just benches, decorating, sports and children’s playgrounds. Among the latter the most common, but there are unusual complexes with groups of figures based on folk tales. However, even for typical playgrounds are mounted separate simple but fun game structures. One of these and is offered to our readers.

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THE JOYSTICK WITH THE KEYBOARD?The simpler the keyboard, the greater the number key (buttons) to press alternately or simultaneously to enter a particular character. For example, to write in a personal computer (PC) such as ZX-SPECTRUM Russian uppercase letters with the standard keypad, you must use the first button, determining that this is a literal character, not a team. Then pressed the second button. It the user tells the computer about your choice of font Cyrillic instead of Latin. Then comes the turn of the third button. Defining what would be entered in uppercase, not lowercase.

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TAPS — PLUG!The heel of any Shoe wears out the fastest. To replace the erased printing is a snap. Especially if the body of the heel solid. Then a piece of corrugated rubber, you can just stick a rubber or special Shoe glue, or at least beat carnations or pin braces with a carpenter’s stapler.

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How to choose sandblasting, the most effective for the preparation of metal construction?

How to choose sandblasting, the most effective for the preparation of metal construction?The number of construction crews in our time is constantly increasing. That is why newly established organizations involved in the construction of certain facilities and renovations can pose significant difficulty finding clients. In order to take a worthy place in this niche and constantly have orders, you must have appropriate construction equipment. Because with their help you can significantly reduce the time of task execution.

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OVEN TO... LEAF SPRINGSIn Russia the Banya is not only a place of bathing, “hospital”, a place of rest, but part of the culture. Well, about the garage and say no is the individual a man’s world! And one of the main things in such constructions – the oven! It is very important that it was convenient to use and that it gave more heat.

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