TABLEEven in small apartments on special occasions are big companies, and then there is the problem of the table — are available, bring from neighbors. The proposed table for the living room can solve the problem. The fact that if necessary from it as if from the dolls removed the need for the reception… almost the same tables, lurking there in the form of boxes.

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AND DON'T NEED A PALNTIf you are going to build something: garage, sauna, shed, and maybe the house, but you lack the materials, cinder blocks, made with your own hands, you’ll come to the rescue. Need form of sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm. Together with his assistants, using the mixer, you can in a day without special effort “to release” up to 300 pieces of blocks. A lot or a little? Judge for yourself: a garage with a size of 6×4 m need 450 of these units, and one floor house of size 6,5×8 m — 1000.

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MATTING WORKS WONDERSIf you think about it, furniture design mainly concerns the appearance of objects, and the main elements of the design still remain. So, you can transform old furniture. Take, for example, the kitchen table. What’s wrong with it, still? Rustic? Yes, but the new is not difficult. Except that instead of top sheets they are beautiful and practical plastic. Old outdated painted with oil paint? True. But the magazine “Burda” tells an original way to finish, after which even veteran communal kitchen furniture will look better than other contemporary “modernism”. And only need matting or Mat, since they now often are found on sale.

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Wow, what a shame — cracked and crumbled concrete path on your country station! To talk about the fact that slim was a layer of mortar or the soil slipped, too late… But you shouldn’t be upset— your track is easily “cured”. But this must be done as quickly as possible, while the crack is small.

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GRINDER PLUS A DRILLAny rural housewife knows how much time and effort to prepare to feed livestock and poultry a sufficient amount of chopped herbs and vegetables or miss berries for canning with sugar. A simple device will greatly facilitate this work. It is sufficient to connect the grinder with the drill, and within 20-30 minutes it will be chopped about 50 kg of greens.

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CHEST It has been over a year since then, as reconstructed roof rack for UAZ Valery PAL, as he again asked. This time he took the trunk in the trunk, but simply to say, a large metal box for installation on the roof of the car. The purpose of the chest is purely practical: to receive an additional amount for transportation of essential travel things protected them from rain. Metal versions are dictated by the natural desire to protect their “good” in cases where it is necessary to leave the machine unattended.

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FRESH AIR all YEAR RoundIf the room is stuffy, just open the window. Well, if it’s cold — tightly close it. To do the same so that the air in the room was always warm and fresh, is almost impossible. Even stylistically it’s hard to put those words together — warm and fresh. As for the style, this irreconcilability is still possible to reconcile. But the issue is much more serious: the process of ventilation of the room is a heated the space around us. Judge for yourself: opening the window, we issued into the street the hot air and let in the room chilled. Then the window is closed, the cold outdoor air is heated to room temperature… But by that time the room becomes stuffy again, and again we open the window!

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FLOWER IN THE HOUSEWhen the house took a stand for flowers, just wanted to buy it, but after visiting a few shops, did not find anything suitable. So I decided to take up the matter himself. Present their product to readers. The stand is composed of paired parts, and the reflected nodes, which greatly simplifies its manufacture. Therefore, the size marked on a single node, and correspond to the other is mirrored. The main structural material for the flower is a wooden cylindrical “wood” a rod with a diameter of 20 mm and a total length of 4 m.

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A HACKSAW FROM SCRAP MATERIALSAs an Amateur I sometimes need a tool that is rarely or on sale, or is not satisfied by construction, (and today — and for the price). So we have to invent and produce itself, looking for possible easy solutions. I would like to share with readers his versions of such popular devices as the machine (frame) for sawing metal.

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