I spent all summer with her son, a soldering iron and Arduino IDE, not in the field with a copter, so now my free translation of article Swede David Windscale (David Windestål, I hope correctly wrote) about the construction of tricoptera — stone with three engines and a rotary mechanism to compensate for the rotation and control the rotation. (please do not walk unnecessarily on the site of the original, as he often falls Habra and under the cut a lot of images).
THE YAK-1B. Scale model 1:33.
Normandie-Niemen – name fighter aviation regiment “Battling France” – acted on the Soviet-German front in 1943-45. the Pilots of the regiment destroyed about 280 and damaged 80 German aircraft. In November 1944 for the differences in the battles for the liberation of Lithuania and in crossing the river Niemen regiment was given the honorary name”Neman”.
Perhaps, after a hot iron main zealot unwrinkled clothes – hanger, or as we call them at home, – shoulders. Oddly enough, the manufacturers (and trade) provide a limited number of options that are widely required in everyday life design.
Figure 1 presents the typical and most common types of clothes hangers. This is a simple wooden hanger (a) for light weight items – shirts or blouses, summer jackets, jackets. On heavier clothes designed reinforced lower bridge hanger is triangular in shape (b). And finally, the only universal hanger – plastic (b), which bear coat or a fur coat, and the added details allow us to hang her suit with pants or skirt. In this fantasy producers are almost over, and opened a free field for creativity of Amateur designers – home handymen – to such a simple, seemingly, but much needed in everyday use things called “hanger”.
I want to share with a favorite magazine his small development.
We had a bad, nasty apartment call: rough and very loud. We always flinched when anyone came, and those who called for the first time, too frightened. Although the call was prefabricated, bought – and hung up.
But the patience has snapped, and I decided to remake this “Intimidator” that signaled a more pleasant and peaceful.
Well in our time is no less important than before, especially given the popularity of cottage construction. No tap water, even filtered through modern filters can’t compare to well.
By its usefulness, well deserves to be the visible part of not just served a protective function, but also a decoration, served as a decorative design element of the site. For those who have your well, recommend the equipment of its ground part is not limited to a simple visor with a lid, and decorate a visor, for example, as shown in the photo. Pictured here the roof superstructure will be suitable for the existing well, and can serve and just his idea, a beautiful part of the area, if you are unable to acccess well.
My good friend since high school, enthusiastically collected stamps, matchbox labels, pocket calendars. Now his collection continues to children, and himself, he left only one passion: icons. And store came up with the original book, which makes itself as their collection. Material for their production is either thin cardboard or even paper.
During the construction of the models is often necessary to apply a veneer of varying thickness. Typically the desired thickness is obtained by grinding with fungus with glued on end cloth, is inserted in the Chuck of the drilling machine. This method is most affordable, but it has several drawbacks: poor performance, inability to process veneer with thickness less than 0.5 mm, because of the rotation of the fungus veneer escapes from the hands and broken, and finally, the main drawback is the large air pollution wood dust. To handle more than three or four plates is not possible even a respirator.
Any front panel aluminum alloy easy to decorative treatment. For example, after drilling holes in them you can first put these parts can be anodized, and then painted. Both processes require no special equipment and can easily be made at home.
A small panel anodize in a glass cuvette. It pour distilled water and add 200 ml of technical sulfuric acid for every 800 ml of water. The panel is clamped with the ends of the U-shaped brackets and dipped into the electrolyte. Above it, on hangers, a dural plate-electrode (this may be the second antirhea panel).
Large sibelectroterm plants from time to time organize specialized exhibitions, where to study avenues its primary products are making their drawings. Among other things come across the description and drawings of a variety of original furniture. This is done in order to interest the buyers in the acquisition of various tools and machines on the one hand and on the other to promote their products. These materials — is a convenient data sources for Amateur designers.
Advantages of adhesive bonding are well known. So to advertise no need. Amateur masters have long been actively using the method of bonding parts in their designs.
Currently, the range of materials has expanded considerably, and each requires its own glue. Need, unfortunately, is not always on sale. But in hardware stores and in the pharmacies you can buy individual components from which it is easy to make adhesives for many materials.
Today’s edition of the “Club house masters” introduces readers to recipes for adhesives that can be manufactured at home.