This popular English proverb builders could specify in relation to the construction of the building: its strength depends on three main components: Foundation, walls and roof.
Today we will focus on the constructions of external walls. Comments on Finnish Builder Pentti Jormanainen.
Finnish design houses have established themselves as comfortable, warm and resistant to seasonal phenomena and time. About the peculiarities of laying the basements and foundations of such country houses Builder says Finnish Pentti Jormanainen.
Do you know how are called the parts house? If not, carefully review Fig. 1.
And what determines the strength of the structure? It is known that the load that can withstand bearing and protecting designs of the house are due to natural phenomena under the influence of its own weight structures and are associated with the operation of the building. The various types of loads and impacts experienced by the house, as shown in figure 2.
In this article I will try to tell about my attempt to make a water cooling system for CPU in the home. This will describe the highlights and technical details on my own experience. If you are interested in a detailed illustrated manual for the manufacture, Assembly and installation of such a system, it is welcome under the cat.
Drafts — no. In the preparation of housing for the winter the first step in city apartments is the sealing of Windows and doors. The simplest solution for Windows is pozatykat cracks and seal them with paper tape. Of course, this measure makes it impossible to open the window for the entire winter, but reduces heat loss.
Ventilation can also produce through the balcony door or specially left unburied part of the window (in the case of tricuspid of its design), as well as the window.
In your journal in one of the rooms of yesteryear has published an article — “the plug”. I must say that the proposed options combined metal dowels rather complicated to manufacture, but their use is justified for hollow panels and panels of partitions, which in modern buildings are not too frequent. Novosel is usually found with the need to drill or punch holes in concrete, brick and rarely in gipsolitovye panels, and requires significant skills, experience and special tools. Besides produce during operation the noise causes discomfort to the neighbors.
Of course, easier to repair in the apartment with an assistant. However, one who has experience with Wallpaper, knows, folding smeared adhesive Wallpaper in a certain way, you can cope alone, would have been only a ladder. However, it is only papering the walls. And now often, and the ceiling whitewashed, and paste over Here too without an assistant to do difficult.
Though, according to the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster” and here savvy people find a way out. One of them is the use of unusual nozzles on a metal ladder. Its task is not just to extend the ladder, and just replace the absent assistant at pasting of ceilings. While one end of the ceiling Wallpaper is glued, the rest of the cloth is supported by the nozzle, giving the opportunity to single-handedly perform such a difficult job.
To create a lathe-boring woodworking machine me prompted memories of school days when in the classroom I received the first skills of work on a lathe — lesson interesting and exciting. Since then, as they say, much water has flowed, but the desire to do of wood pieces of furniture with a beautiful chiseled details is preserved, but the necessary lathe I had. And I decided to do it, adapting to the bed of the other machine, consisting of a “circular saw” and electrofunk (see “M-K” № 1 ‘2011), thus obtaining woodworking mini-complex.
In the country, as shown by many years of experience gardeners for cooking predominantly uses electric. Industrial design of these heating devices, usually equipped with thermostats or as they are called, the power switches. Analysis of the causes of failure of the electric range shown in the S. Privalov (1) showed that a significant percentage of failures is necessary just for the power switches. There are some negative aspects of their failure.
I’m probably not mistaken saying that the majority of home handymen’s dream is to have a universal bormashenko. How many opportunities it opens! Engraving, abrasive machining of parts of complex configuration, the manufacture of dies and molds, drilling and countersinking holes located in hard to drill places, jewelry work — this is not a complete list of operations to perform which allows this mechanism. It is not surprising that bormashenko, due to its large SROs, it is not easy to get.
(The end. See the beginning here)
It is difficult (but apparently impossible) to imagine the way of life of the Russian people without baskets – these baskets are truly versatile, “next of kin” of a village fence. They came, as they say, from time immemorial. There was told its name. After all, “corsite” – the ancient Slavic word that means to weave.
And “tenacious”, a timeless basket was not only because of ease of fabrication, material availability, the possibility of universal use. Products these lightweight, elegant and yet very practical. Besides have a lot of other equally valuable qualities.