SEAPLANE W-2SEAPLANE W-2. Scale model 1:33.

In Russia in the late 20-ies of the last century there was an urgent need in small aircraft for communication with remote facilities. Especially this problem existed in the Northern regions, Siberia and the far East, where there was no other means of communication.

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FIGHTER-1FIGHTER AND-1. Scale model 1:33.

I-1(Il-400Б) first Soviet fighter monoplane.

The first Soviet fighters were developed under the leadership of N. Polikarpov (in collaboration with I. M. Kostkina) and D. P. Grigorovich under the one in the early 20-ies of the licensed motor water cooling “liberty” with a capacity of 400 HP

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IN THE GARDENThe combined table that you see in the picture, designed for garden or suburban area. It can be easily disassembled, so it is possible for winter to hide in the barn or under the canopy. It is assembled from two shaped racks connected in the middle and on the edges of the planks with screed laid on top of the countertop. Options stands form shown in the figure. The size depends on thickness of boards, ties.

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A plan to strengthen the Baltic fleet in 1891-1895 he was provided, among others, the construction of five armored ships seaworthy. The experience of the leading naval powers persuaded the Russian government of the need for a strong Navy, able to operate in open seas. Its basis was supposed to be armadillos, named according to the classification 1892 squadron.

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CONSTRUCTED BOOTH-TOILETThe development of cottage or garden plot the most prudent and economic to start with the erection of the booth of the toilet. And that, in General, correctly: how to do without it?
Option of such facilities, “where the king walks in” is the so-called play-closet, in which there is only a hole. A more advanced variation — so-called powder-closet, of the simplest design which we want to tell.

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FIGHTER PE-3FIGHTER PE-3. Scale model 1:33.

In the summer of 1941 the Soviet air force was required loitering interceptor, designed to combat bombers and scouts of the enemy. To do this, the aircraft was only possible on the basis of serial cars. So we stopped at the “last fighter” front bomber the PE-2.

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Work area. It has the same principle: everything is open, in full view, the maximum available — that is, everything at handAt all times man has sought to equip, to improve the dwelling. People with money are buying fashionable imported furniture, decorate the walls of expensive Wallpaper, equipped with bathroom and toilet plumbing overseas… but if you have no money to buy all this prosperity?
A severe case, but not worth it. Let your assistants in creating comfortable modern interior will be a fantasy, savvy, creative dedication. Let’s start with the furniture. Tips and tricks to share Riga designers, Zaiga and Maris Gailis.

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TRACTOR KIROVETS-700AFarm tractor Kirovets K-700A. Scale model 1:32.

The purpose tractors – agricultural works with mounted, semi-mounted and trailed machines and transport, some excavation and reclamation work in agriculture.

July 13, 1962 from the Assembly shop of the Kirov factory has released the first tractor K – 700 “Kirovets”. Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, the plant was not randomly selected for the development and production of the most powerful and today the farm tractor. The oldest Russian enterprise in 1924 was able to start production of tractors “Fordson-Putilovets”.

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IN THE BAGYou still keep fur hats, wigs and hats on the shelf of the Cabinet? Meanwhile, the creators of these hats is strongly recommended to keep them worn on special mannequins — thus things do not crumple and keep the form longer.
The easiest and quite functional dummy is obtained from a five-liter plastic bottles from under drinking water — you only need to fasten a screw threaded cap from the bottle on a wooden stand, and then screw the neck of the bottle into the cover.

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