You have a problem — not what is sour cabbage and salted cucumbers? In fact, the coming fall always provokes a deficit of three-liter cans. Well, in my family, this problem does not exist here already for a few years we use for this purpose plastic bottles from under drinking water with a capacity of five and ten litres. Of course, they have a small mouth, and shove it through the cabbage or cucumbers difficult, but that’s no reason to abandon such a capacious tanks. As it turned out, to provide them with cover is not too difficult.
You are going on vacation? What are your favorite flowers? Do I have to beg relatives from time to time to stop by your apartment to water the ficus and crocuses?
Take our advice and your plants are constantly supplied with life-giving moisture.
A lot of trouble delivers the design of internal stairs, for example, the attic. For convenient large marches, as a rule, not enough space and they are very steep, which is dangerous, especially for older people.
In one of the rooms of the old Czechoslovak magazine offered a curious compromise that we present to our readers. Down, this design resembles a regular staircase, with steps which are quite comfortable to climb. Folded as it rises and does not occupy much space, face the horizontal “door” leading to the attic. The whole design operates the motor, turn on the bottom button.
Garden paths at the cottage or the mansion was just as necessary and sidewalks in the city. As a rule, these tracks build from individual concrete slabs with sizes of 400×400 mm and 800×800 mm and a thickness of from 50 to 200 mm And these boards are offered to buyers such as large factories of reinforced concrete structures, as well as small firms. Preliminary calculations showed that the cost of all materials necessary for the production of one tile, four times less than the price of the finished product in trade organizations. So isn’t it better to make them yourself, especially not so this work is difficult. DIY garden paths— more work for the soul than just physical labor. Besides the economic benefits gives strength and promotes creative thinking. Well, if you feel tired, take a break (even for a few days) on any plate.
Conclusion of any country fence is the gate. Often achilladelis provide simple devices that automatically close the gate after you pass through them — this steel springs, and rubber bands, and weights-balances… However, all these “machines” are not without their drawbacks, and the main one is that they all require additional elements like springs, rubber bands, kettlebells, etc. However there are devices that do not contain any further details, and the closing force is obtained due to… gravity.
Living in Siberia, without a greenhouse on the site not to do — the summer is short and not always warm, and vegetables home you want. Therefore, sooner or later, every owner of even a small piece of land think about the construction of the greenhouse.
Plenty naeksperementirovavshis with different kinds of film, come to the conclusion that its apparent low cost is deceptive: the material is ephemeral, every year you have to disassemble the greenhouse, and equip it again. In the end, I want something more substantial.
Decided to share with readers design “durable porch”. Beautiful and durable step can be made quickly and simply to any person does not possess the skills of a bricklayer.
For the manufacture of the porch will need the following tools: drill, drill bits 6-12 mm; cutting machine “Bulgarian” with disc diameter 125 mm; tap M8, key 13, screwdriver, vise, level, trowel and hammer. Materials: brick anywhere; the battle of brick or rubble; flat slate; metal angles (enough 45×45 mm); М8х25 mm screws (with countersunk head); wire diameter of 2-3 mm.
A Spanish engineer named patalo were collected 12-cylinder V-shaped engine, which, he believes, is the smallest such engine in the world. The engine consists of 261 element, made of aluminum, bronze and stainless steel.
Since ancient times, people hunted their own food, collecting edible berries, Yes berries. The method of collecting the berries ever since has remained the same — squat or bend over to the Bush, tearing the berry (or better a handful of berries) from the twigs and put them in the basket. To pick berries, so, of course, also possible, except that the hands will crush some on the branches, and even bite who of the inhabitants of the forest or swamp. Bend over each berry was not easy, and productivity is low. Although, what kind of work is the pleasure of communicating with nature, except that bend-unbend still hard.
Again getting popular pretty ancient, but timeless furniture design for home comfort — screen. Indoors she was fenced off area of the patient; modestly covered shy of dress; served simply with a partition separating a living area in the room from the other. When it was not desired — developed in a flat pack, without disturbing anyone and without taking up virtually no storage space, being tucked away in a closet or placed on the balcony. But in this latest version of its screen location, it turned out, not only can be, but also to perform, according to the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” even a new feature, competing with the now popular Windows.