The Stirling engine is a heat engine invented by Robert Stirling in 1816. It differs from the internal combustion engine because the fuel burns outside the engine, making it much easier to manufacture. There are Stirling engines that run from the heat of your hands, although they are a little harder to build. The Stirling engine would be a good addition to any collection of those who like to make things with their hands.

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FIGHTER I-5FIGHTER I-5. Scale model 1:33.

The history of this car, dubbed the I-5, began in the summer of 1927, when Polikarpov developed a preliminary draft of the fighter under the British motor Bristol “Jupiter” is one of the best in those years of power density. This gave the opportunity to provide good maneuverability and rate of climb. Technical Council Aviatrust Polikarpov suggested to consider the inclusion of a new fighter in the prototype development plan and approached the BBC with a request to present to him their tactical and technical requirements. Design And-5 plan had to be completed in November 1929: in October of next year, it was required to produce to the test.


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THE POOL OF TIRESIn the place where I decided to build a pool near the farmhouse, was an old pond that once served as a fire pond, and dog walking for Pets geese and ducks. But as time passed: for fire protection purposes now have running water, and the house became a cottage and birds do not hold here. Yes, and the pond gradually silted up and overgrown.

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SIMPLEST ANTI-THEFT DEVICEWhat devices are invented so that the attackers couldn’t steal a car. Steering lock, gear shift knob, wheels, dodgy electrics off, the impact on the psyche of a siren, light shows and much, much more. And yet… the thefts occur. Stealing not only expensive cars, but even battered “Lada”, causing their owners considerable surprise. However, on an old car much less you can find modern luxury anti-theft system. And then the interests of the owner and the thief, alas, partially coincide: the first do not want to spend extra money to protect an old car, and the second is happy to steal, because the old man from the automotive industry “leave” on the black market on their own.

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SHOVEL-DUMPERIt would seem that so simple a tool is the shovel, that to change it or to improve its design is hardly possible. Yes, the handle of the bayonet – that’s the device. However, there are many variations of this quite ancient agricultural (and not only!) guns. And the search for its modernization continues. Including – and our readers, as evidenced by the below letter.

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The history of this ship began on the eve of the first world war. 18 Oct 1913 in Nikolaev, the laying of two light cruisers. One of them, which later became the “Red Caucasus”, was named “Admiral Lazarev”. The hull was launched only on June 8, 1916, but in tsarist times, was never completed. Completely deserted, he stood at the outfitting of the wall of the plant. Only in September 1927 on the deck covered with rust and overgrown with weeds cruisers again ascended workers, shipbuilders, engineers and red wormery. But it took more than four years before the ship, renamed on 14 December 1926 in “Red Caucasus”, has departed from the pier of the plant. Successfully passing all the stages of acceptance tests, re-built cruiser 25 January 1932 came into operation.

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“Retvizan” (in translation from the Swedish “war CRY”) a Swedish ship of the line captured in battle on 26 June 1790. Preserved in the Russian Navy, its name is traditionally passed to the sailing steam ship line, and then to the squadron battleship.

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WICKERWORK IN RUSSIAThe oldest crafts – weaving – has always been honored in Russia. And was put on the importance often above all else. Even mentioned: “It pletenica about the gold pure.”
And why not just cut a master so ancient rakomelo! Of bird cherry bar, for example, wove away the sled, light carriage, suitcases and travel bags. From the osier – baskets, all sorts of things for the dining table. And sometimes the table itself: lace, durable, and surprisingly lightweight. Even toys wove, – there are all sorts of baskets, boxes, trinkets (rattles), etc.

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STORAGE CROPThe development of the garden associations, the construction of houses and cottages caused an increased interest in structures designed to preserve the generous gifts of autumn.
In recent years, many gardeners prefer to store their harvest directly on the site. However, this often leads to inevitable disappointment, as it is performed sometimes without the necessary experience. Not taken into account, for example, to store potatoes you need a dark room with a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, at a relative humidity of 85 – 95 %. The room should be well ventilated to prevent the accumulation of carbon dioxide, but before the new tab is necessary to disinfect.

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