TABLE to Sit and work for long periods of time for regular writing or computer Desk for taller people, bent double, is not very convenient. Even more difficult for the child accelerates. The skeletal system in such “Gulliver” is not yet Mature, and do they account for no less than adults, and lessons should be prepared, and computer “chat” want. Therefore, they have very often — a violation of posture, and even worse — scoliosis.

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HELMET Solid protective helmets, which became several years ago an obligatory accessory for riding a motorcycle, in recent years has undergone significant structural changes and improvements. The analysis of road accidents and during sports competitions revealed the shortcomings of the serial production and gave rich material for further development.

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UNIVERSAL TABLEMogilev plant “electric Motor” produces handy and compact machine “Skillful hands”. It can be cut into strips of the desired size sheet getinaks, textolite, plexiglass, plywood — any non-metallic materials with thickness up to 6 mm; sharpening of wood details round shape with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 130 mm; sharpening drills of small diameters, screwdrivers, chisels, knives and other tools; polishing small flat and round metallic and non-metallic parts.

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CHILD — ADULTFor a Bicycle with an open frame (like “gum”, “salute”), I made a small, simple, easy child seat. This is the place for your child can be called even comfortable — it’s soft and equipped with special running boards, and steering between the horns still mounted and arm.

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PERSONAL SAUNAMany city dwellers like to relax in his bathhouse, but in most cases this opportunity they have. Even the owners of garden-plots do not always have the conditions to build a full bath: one does not have enough space, the other funds, and to the third of both. Here to such “unfortunates” whose desires do not coincide with the possibilities, took it myself and I until my hands came across a book “How to be a farmer”, which tells of a small bathhouse.

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The design of this portable barbecue grill is convenient to use in field conditions (e.g., hikers, hunters or fishermen), and in the garden area or in the country for quick cooking kebabs or roasting vegetables, toasting frankfurters, sausages, fish.

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DRILLING MACHINE FROM SEWING...Most people mention the drill cause discomfort. And here at artisan people, the attitude towards this technique is different. Perhaps only this mechanism facilitates processing of complex surfaces and hard to reach areas in the molded parts. And therefore for the craftsmen, along with other necessary devices and equipment in the Arsenal of a home workshop it is worth, and electric drill.

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SOFA CONVERTIBLEIn a small garden house or in a small room at the cottage this furniture will be very functional though, because that day, being assembled in position “sofa”, takes up little space, and at night turns into a large soft bed. This sofa bed besides convenient both for transportation and for storage because the lightweight and collapsible. It consists of two main parts: the soft the hard mattress and slatted base.

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