DRILL CLEAN!Someone had to drill holes in the ceiling, he knows, as a way to work from the dust and concrete crumbs. Ways to protect the face exist. One of them use dust cups — often plastic caps from aerosols. However, such improvised traps are ineffective: a glass, put on the drill bit rotates with the same peripheral speed and scatters, like a centrifuge, something that needs to collect.

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There are situations when an urgent need to move light but large-size material: chipboard, sheet glass, hardboard or plywood, and at this time there. In this case, the rescue of suitable length cut “endless” rope (with tied ends). The sheet material should be placed on the longest edge and under the edges to make a Read more…


So it is sometimes: you need something urgently to paint or draw, label, and doesn’t brush. Rescue method, which is applicable for manufacturing of any brush set. This will require a tube of suitable diameter, strong string or wire and any fibrous material — fur, synthetic yarns, tow, or wool. The Assembly is clear from Read more…