To connect the motor shaft with the driven shaft in the mechanism is never easy. For example, electromotor and water pump also require accommodation on a single rigid frame, which would provide the ability for strict alignment and shaft alignment. However, all this is hard. Much preferable to the “soft” option — via a flexible Read more…


Loosen rusted threaded connection will be easier if you soak it with dishwashing detergent of a type of “Fairy”, “Drop”, etc. and leave for some time. Those funds contain components blacksony that will “eat” the rust without affecting the metal and the surfactant will help the liquid to penetrate into the most inaccessible of microsemi. Read more…


Recently, widespread ready-to-use putty marketed in plastic packages. Unfortunately, the use of such a package is not very handy: cut a hole in it with pressure on the pack often stretches or breaks, after which the unused balance of the putty dries. Using the elements of two identical tubes under any of the cream, you Read more…