Used by dressmakers for ripping the old seams convenient rezachek in the form of a two-pronged fork with a sharpened inner edges will serve to raskryvanie sheet soft plastics, as shown in the figure.
Used by dressmakers for ripping the old seams convenient rezachek in the form of a two-pronged fork with a sharpened inner edges will serve to raskryvanie sheet soft plastics, as shown in the figure.
To connect the motor shaft with the driven shaft in the mechanism is never easy. For example, electromotor and water pump also require accommodation on a single rigid frame, which would provide the ability for strict alignment and shaft alignment. However, all this is hard. Much preferable to the “soft” option — via a flexible Read more…
Replacing outdated car “janitor”, as often called the wiper, attach the handle with extension rod — get a handy household tool for cleaning home Windows.
In a number of traditional home devices such as a receiver and a photo or a movie camera, TV, VCR — all the more familiar and even normal becomes a typewriter. And with all the variety of brands they nonetheless can be divided into two groups depending on the calculated if they are on the Read more…
Often there is a situation when you need to hammer a nail in a place where the hammer will not pull back, shelf, drawer, Cabinet. This sometimes resort to “detour” maneuver: – nail, he placed the metal rod and beat on it. Much more effective to use in such cases suitable size clamp. It is Read more…
A home practice for joinery is most often used any old Desk or removable boards. In these cases, the end of the working plane, it is convenient to make the spinning stop. Suits cut piece of solid wood — beech, oak, birch — width with the thickness of the top and the long screw is Read more…
In domestic thermos small size is screwed on top of the cap, which is often a too strong tightening the cracks or even breaks. Instead of trying to stick together, it should be replaced by a suitable diameter plastic cups.
Loosen rusted threaded connection will be easier if you soak it with dishwashing detergent of a type of “Fairy”, “Drop”, etc. and leave for some time. Those funds contain components blacksony that will “eat” the rust without affecting the metal and the surfactant will help the liquid to penetrate into the most inaccessible of microsemi. Read more…
Sometimes it’s a shame to throw away a brand new empty tin can. However, it will be yet, but already in new quality if with a chisel to carefully cut on a cylindrical stand such Bank in half-the resulting “pockets” for easy tool storage fixture and all metal “small things” in the home workshop. Of Read more…
Recently, widespread ready-to-use putty marketed in plastic packages. Unfortunately, the use of such a package is not very handy: cut a hole in it with pressure on the pack often stretches or breaks, after which the unused balance of the putty dries. Using the elements of two identical tubes under any of the cream, you Read more…