As well as natural and habitual in our apartments home libraries, does not surprise anyone today, and family library: records, magnetopulse, the compact cassette. The latter appeared relatively recently, however keep them simple and convenient: each box. But with the plates, especially the disks-giants, despite their long history, the difficulties do not end today: they Read more…


In photography, especially in color expression and of the press, higher than usual temperature of applied solutions, and to maintain it constant during the entire time of processing film or paper. Experiment with electric heater: with its help, if necessary using additional paper or fabric strips, you can find and to provide the necessary temperature Read more…


Sometimes the drills, especially in the already served, without distinction, the marking indicating the diameter. It would seem that to define it is only possible with a micrometer. But here’s a simple and fairly accurate method of measurement with… grip. Drill clamped in their jaws, and remaining between them a gap corresponding to the diameter Read more…