For more convenient use of masking tape or duct tape, there are special tapes with a knife, not giving to the same after use to stick the remaining end. In the absence of such a device to protect the end of the tape from sticking will help plastic or waxed paper valve sticker.


RIVETS? ANY!This simple device will allow, if necessary, to obtain the desired rivet diameter and length. Steel angles from rolled steel clamped in a vise, with the line connector mark and drill holes of the required depth and diameter. Now, loosening the grip, inserted into the hole of the workpiece is of soft wire, the diameter of which corresponds to the desired size of rivet. The device is again clamped in the vise, and workpiece clench; the excess head is removed with a file.

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The most common situations, ending domestic injuries is when trying to perform any operation with stools or ladders but still trying to reach there, where to stand poor stand is not enough. Everyone understands that for the period of repair or construction to arrange a better platform — the decking boards or shields, relying on Read more…


To expand the scope of the freezer possible upgrades of your refrigerator. To do this, simply bend from thin sheet metal (even without soldering) tray the desired volume, the height of which should reach the freezer (without pallet). Lowering it, cold air will provide a temperature that is lower than the rest on>EME of the Read more…


BUCKET MACHINEWhether the house the garbage disposal if there is still an intermediary is usually a bucket that have, as a rule, in the bedside sink. However, and sheltered thus, it is preferable to isolate any cover. But this complicates the use of: every time not only to open the door, but also to lift the lid.

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When working with wood panels, sheets of particle Board or plywood is often necessary to sand narrow frontal and lateral plane. Usually pick up the sandpaper and get to work: in the best case, wrapped it on the bar. However, working this “tool” is hard to avoid splinters and besides, and treated the distinction turns Read more…