On a country site the need potrebovat soil occurs often put whether the garden bed or greenhouse, do pave the path if arranged strip Foundation of concrete and rubble stone. Simple and convenient device for this will serve as a mini Baba from a wooden block and two attached to the cuttings.


Prolonged work on ladders tiring because you have to stand “like a chicken on the roost” — to narrow the crossmember. I made a hinged step box shape with two hooks that it hung on the corresponding cross member of the ladder: work on it incomparably easier.   B. DUHNEVICH, gardeners


ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER WRAITHAfter the Second world war, the firm of Rolls-Royce, specializing in wartime in the production of aircraft engines, has again returned to the production of luxury cars. In 1947, the firm created the first post-war ROLLS-ROYCE model SILVER WRAITH, and in 1949 released the ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER DAWN is an enhanced version of this car, which was the first body that was made at the company Rolls-Royce (before that body was made by specialized tailors). The machine was equipped with row “six” prewar output.

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To embed in the wardrobe small, but long toilet articles — scarves, belts, ties — usually on the doors do metal braces. However, they are very inconvenient to use: hang items in several layers; when you try to remove one of the objects stretch and slip, and others. Upgrade, as shown in the figure, any Read more…


When working with bulk materials shovel is indispensable, as it improves productivity due to the increased volume of its “bayonet”. This advantage can be used and the collection of roots. And the shovel does not hurt them, its front edge is sufficient to attach a section of rubber hose.