WINTER'S GURNEYCoasting — a truly mass entertainment of children in winter since time immemorial. Fly down on the thumb ice track every trying on anything: who’s squatting, who flopping down flat, and who is placing himself fanerku or cover of the carton. Before that in the villages the kids were doing special sledges: I took the old strainer or pelvis, the outside is coated with clay or Adobe, poured water and frozen. Then inside the stacked hay as a nest. This kind of lens, the descent was rapid.

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MINI-TENNISIs a fun time for the big school holidays — time pioneer camps, interesting trips, sports competitions, games and entertainment. We want to acquaint our readers with one new game, the elder in recent years, popular in many countries, a mini — tennis. This game can often be seen in parks, backyards and even on the quiet streets of towns and villages. Simple and unpretentious, it quickly gained popularity among children.

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TRICKY BOLTIn carrying out various construction works it is often necessary to install and mount on wall panels are quite large and heavy products, devices and other structural elements. In everyday life such problems also occur from time to time, for example, when mounting kitchen or bookshelves, when attaching water or gas pipes, etc.

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THE SPINNING WHEEL, BUT NOT GRANDMATimes of shortage, it would seem, were but a grandmother for her grandchildren the old-fashioned way tend to knit warm clothes, especially socks and mittens. The best material for these products, of course, yarn of wool. Probably, it would be possible to buy, however, and spinning wool grandma prefer. Probably in this yarn absorbs and permanently retains the warmth of my grandmother’s hands and because of that Samovodene things are so good warm.

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