FURNITURE? IT'S EASY!Chair thanks to its “mobility” and flexibility, beyond doubt, an important and interesting part of interior living room. Several chairs can make a variety of ensembles. They can be placed one by one around the low table to move in a row along the wall, forming a kind of sofa, you can fill them and the corner of the room.

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SHELVES INCREASE THE CABINETIt is believed that the atmosphere in the interior of the home, it is desirable from time to time to change — to maintain the psychological effect of novelty and revitalizing sensations of comfort and freshness of decoration. However, it is not necessary to spend money on new set — quite nice to rearrange individual items of the already existing, and the result will be achieved no less.

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AND THE FLOOR WILL BE LIKE NEWThere comes a time when you suddenly notice. your wooden floors in the rooms or in the room begin to creak or appear defects such as swelling; the sagging, rotting. You begin to understand that no repair is necessary. The faults of the sexes, few who can avoid. In the palaces of nobles and kings Park! preserved to our time by Goy simple reason that the master was threatened with physical punishment for poor performance. Modern builders. unfortunately, often allow the marriage. Especially this sin of the so-called special master, abusing the fact that then they are almost impossible to find to draw to Troubleshooting. Relentless time on the floors, too, has its devastating effects.

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KENNEL-FOLDINGThe book and movie “White BIM — Black ear” stirred in the souls of so many — children and adults — feelings of love and care to four-legged friends, especially dogs. Has become a mass phenomenon to keep at home Terriers, dogs, collies, poodles, great Danes, spaniels of all breeds not listed, and nothing about the breed and say nothing. The Newspapers even had a discussion — and not to include dogs in zhekovskogo design book for the payment of utility costs on them.

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LAMPS? IT'S EASY!Many household items is easy to do with their hands. This furniture, and fixtures for kitchen and bathroom, and original details of the interior hallways and lobbies. No exception and lighting. Actuated even at home, they will look no worse than the serial favorably differing from the last by its originality. In this collection we offer you two easy to manufacture of the lamp, which can be made from readily available materials.

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THE OWL, OPEN UP! THE BEAR CAME!Many imported models of the industrial housing calls does not stop the flight of thought of an Amateur designer, but on the contrary. To install the house call that will surprise and delight guests – a worthy reason to continue playing. The obvious advantage the home worker before the foreign industry is the knowledge of local cultural traditions, so when I decided to develop an idea, character, ringing the bell, it didn’t take much time.

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ELECTRIC BALALAIKAWe have long been accustomed to the prefix “electro” in modern musical terminology. Appeared such names as electric guitar, electro, and even the ensemble of electronic musical instruments. Many of the tools have become more rich shades of sound, when a duet with them stands electronics. Bypassing it is only people’s tools. Plays a role, apparently, the fear to violate the purity of the already established sounds. But this is not so. Even such a simple instrument like a balalaika, will be able to gain more power, become a true soloist of the orchestra of folk instruments, if you supply the pickups. Today’s publication is devoted to one of the variants of the “electrification” of the balalaika.

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“BY! Got it! DROWNED”

“Battleship”… Who do not know this simple yet exciting game! Polished by many generations of pupils, it reached perfection and it has only one drawback — “shots” of the battle are easily detected in the classroom, as opponents and then whisper: “D4!” — “Choke!” “E5!” — “Hit!”… If the teacher hears the losers are both the enemy.

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