BUGGY — TEENOn the roads and cross roads of Latvia in recent time, new sporty micro cars — buggy, built at the Central station of young technicians of the Republic. One of them — school “Buggy-350” has been awarded to a screening at the NTTM-74. These nimble, agile machine with the same success moving on dirt roads, highway and rugged terrain. They are universal in their application: essential for competitions outside of tracks and highways may be used for training high school students to avtodelo.

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THE LAST ARTILLERYIf the Americans and their old and new allies after the Second world war almost completely switched light power their fleets on the task of escort and anti-submarine warfare, the Soviet fleet was absolutely other problems. With the beginning of the cold war, the Soviet Union, in fact, was in the position in which two decades ago was Japan. The only difference is that the industrial strength of our country in the late 40-ies was significantly greater, and political and economic interests associated with marine problems much less. However, because Stalin was going to continue its policy of challenging the world domination of the United States, the development of the Navy was deemed necessary. And the way this development (with the obvious and undeniable initial superiority of the United States at sea) remained the same as that at the time chosen by the Japanese: the creation of individually more powerful combat ships than those built in the West. And to do this was becoming typical of our government in a big way.

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OPERATION Many historians of the Russian fleet passed the XIV century and goes straight from the campaigns of the Kievan princes to Byzantium if not Peter the Great, at least to the campaign of Ivan the terrible in 1552, Kazan. In fact, the shipbuilding and the movement of Russian troops on the ships never stopped, even during the Tartar yoke.

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COMPETING TOYSIn the days of preparation to the XVII Congress of the Komsomol, the Central Council of VOIR, the Ministry of light industry and the Ministry of education of the USSR adopted a decision to hold from 25 April 1974 to 1 March 1975 the all-Union contest for the best sample of IG| tabs and items for children’s technical creativity. The main goal of the competition is to promote the further development of children’s technical creativity, expansion and strengthening of its material base, to find new means of propaganda of achievements of science and technology in the most accessible for children and adolescents form.

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GIVEN THE COMBAT EXPERIENCEThe lessons of the Second world war, naval warfare was not quite obvious and understood immediately. The first attempts of consideration of combat experience led to the emergence of the destroyers, though having excellent characteristics, but is quite traditional in concept (described in previous issue). A clearer awareness of their role took a lot of time, so shipbuilders in many countries have decided to pause or be limited to only experimental ships.

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Medical bubbles, and especially the opened vial is very fragile, and spill their contents sometimes very simple. To avoid this, use a “tortilla” of clay: recessed in her glass bottoms of tanks holding up, as if glued.   V. GOLOVASHIN, Rybnoe, Ryazan region.


A new generation of bombers-the monoplanes, which differs from the preceding higher performance characteristics, appeared in many countries in the period between 1932 and 1935. As a rule, they all had all-metal construction, smooth lining, retractable landing gear and closed cockpit. The flight speed of some exceeded 350 km/h, which combined with strong defensive armament made them almost invulnerable in combat with fighters of that time.

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THE KINGDOM PROTRACTEDAlmost all the Maritime powers of second rank, trying to create or radically change the torpedo power in the period between the world wars, faced a dilemma: either to buy the ships on the side, getting into the political and material dependence on the supplier, try to build their own, developing its own industry, creating jobs, but often at the risk of a delay, the main task for several years.

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