At the beginning of our century among public and political figures in France only a few reactionary press were pursued with tenacity and anger, as Camille Palitana. Telling all sorts of stories about the untidiness of the Minister of the marine (this post Peleton held in the years 1902-1905), the Newspapers were silent, however, about the main thing. Supporter of the submarine fleet, Pelletan opposed the construction of dreadnoughts, and this threatened to cause enormous damage to the bigwigs of the French steel trust, eager to receive orders for linconnu armor.

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THE HEIR OF THE ARMY JEEP.The term jeep (jeep) appeared in the automotive world during the Second world war, when the American army began to arrive, light multipurpose vehicles developed by Willys — WILLYS MB, FORD GPW and FORD CP, which in military terminology is called “vehicle capacity quarter ton”. The sound of the letters “Dzhi-PI” quickly turned into the mouth of the drivers and mechanics in a concise and succinct term for jeep, which became the umbrella term utility AWD compact SUVs. After the war, so began to call their car firm Willys, which produced numerous variants have become so popular during the war years, a light jeep — like army and “civilian”. As a trademark, the term Jeep was registered with the firm on 30 June 1950.

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OIL In the multi-individual homes usually have Autonomous water supply system, which consists of a boiler, pipes, radiators and the surge tank. The inner walls of the tank is always wet from the constant evaporation and wetting with the expansion of water in the heating system. The reservoir is intensely rust inside and rust and fills the system, threatening congestion.

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TOYOTA RAV4Appearance and many of the technical characteristics of the SUV, created basically to overcome the terrain, are already present today in the prestigious universal car that perfectly behave on the roads. The ancestor of these machines is quite rightly considered the released in 1994 it was an asphalt all-wheel drive TOYOTA RAV4, which is the abbreviation of RAV in the name comes from the Recreation Vehicle, which translates as “the car to stay”. The idea of pseudogap picked up dozens of road companies, so that the RAV4 appeared soon a lot of followers.

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SOUNDS NEWEven in the recent past 10АС9 sound system, each sound column which contains two versatile dynamic loudspeaker (one for low and medium frequencies and the other, with a diffuser of smaller diameter for higher), it was considered perfectly acceptable for a home stereo. And electrical parameters it was on a high level: power 10 W, impedance DC current 4 ohms, audio frequency response 40 to 18,000 Hz. With the advent of so-called Hi-Fi equipment these speakers have become increasingly depart among the almost Museum pieces.

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LIGHT EVEN BURNED OUTInspired by the originality of technical solution, published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 11’78, I modified the circuit for fluorescent lamps and for many years its use in residential lighting fixtures. As in the prototype, economical and not scarce ЛДЦ40 (ЛДЦ80) light up instantly, their work is not accompanied by annoying clicks and “wink” for missing an unreliable starter. And best of all — for such lighting you can even use the bulb.

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