In the first rank of the best projects presented by young technicians country in the Central exhibition NTTM-82, is “Rublis” — self-propelled plow-cultivator, or, as it is called, a plane. Built this machine students the eight-year school in the village of Ruda district of Liepaja Latvian SSR, the members of the circle of mechanization of agriculture.

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AS THE POLISHER WAS THE MOWERIn suburban areas, though small in size, usually have enough space not only for the vegetable garden and berry bushes, but I cultural grassy lawn. And he also needs care: every two weeks we have to mow. Pondering the mechanization of such mowing, paid I attention to is perched in the corner, an old floor polisher P-2. It’s almost ready based electrocoil a powerful motor 350 watts. I have set a goal to make the design such that it was possible to quickly assemble, disassemble: “translate” foot in the mower and Vice versa. And formulated the problem like this — equip P-2 circular knife and put on wheels. That is the main work consisted in the fabrication of the chassis for future mower.

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MINI-TRACTOR FROM THE PLOW“Manual labor is performed by machines!” — under this title was published in our journal materials from the all-Union conference VISKHOM named after V. P. Goryachkin (see “M-K”, 1982, № 8). The performances of the participants on the importance and necessity of development of means of mechanization of cute, the editors have opened a correspondence “round table” at the same time, we invited readers to send drawings and diagrams of their machines and asked to share the experience of their construction, manufacture, operation.
Give the word Victor A. Chirkov, Amateur designer of the suburban town of Lotoshino. He has accumulated considerable experience of creating small tools today introduces its latest development — a mini-tractor MT-5. It seems that novice designers would be useful for some considerations V. L. Chirkov on the design and Assembly of such machines, the use of serial components and parts.

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DRILL - CULTIVATORWe have already talked about the agricultural arrangements, where the engine used electric mowers — rotary and shearers knife (see No. 9 of 1980, No. 2, 1981), plough on electric (see # 9 in 1981). Now offering new construction on the same basis — the cultivator of the soil. First, obviously, you need to explain why I designed the mechanism, the main purpose of which is plowing and this scheme — in the form of electrodyalisis. Why not go for more or less beaten path, taking up a walk-behind plow. First of all, it dictated the small size of the treated area and high density of planting tillers are simply not to turn around. Then had to take into account the weight of the guns and power, developing a medium amount of torque just 3 kg. With this machine will easily cope and teenager and woman, and elderly people.

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CELLAR SAFEDespite the widespread use of electric refrigerators, such building, as a cellar, do not give up their positions. Especially in rural areas and in suburban areas, where in these, prudently organized, compact storage with a good waterproofing and skilfully chosen ventilation is still not forgotten to maintain the desired temperature and humidity conditions, and favorable conditions for savings products that do not rot and does not shrink, without losing its unique taste and smell. However, if used the most common was free-standing cellar, today in order to save area, many prefer the compact storage of vegetables, fruits and homemade food, is equipped with a summer kitchen, a barn, a garage…

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IZ BECOMING A TRUCKRecently, in connection with the development of private farms has increased the demand for motor scooter cargo “the Ant”; especially in need of it rural. Only in 1983, will be sold 12 thousand of these machines. For a huge number of our villages is, of course, a little bit. But the motorcycles in the current year is expected to sell nearly half a million. Maybe here lies the reserve of the missing trucks for gardens? Indeed, many Amateur designers rebuild their cars in trucks. Did it D. I. Chernyshev from the city of Kasli of the Chelyabinsk region. He designed from your motorbike tricycle tractor with two rear driving wheels to use on farms, to carry on the truck-semitrailer vegetables and potatoes from the garden.

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CUTTER INSTEAD OF A PLOWThe tillers, was developed by Genrikh Alekseevich Kuznetsov from Moscow, is different from many homemade designs use instead of the plow cutters. Turning to the work shaft at the same time they cultivate the soil, serve as support elements and propulsion. Only a few minutes required to replace them on the wheels. Then the tillers are easily hung disc mower, dozer blade, trailer plow, mouldboard, the disc harrow, or a two-wheeled dump truck with a lifting capacity of 300 kg, are equipped with brakes. With the help of special tools you can handle a bed of strawberries, to transport logs.

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MINI-FARM: We offer mini-farm is designed for breeding and keeping rabbits of all breeds both private and public farms. It is based on a two-cell module (if necessary, they may be few, Solitary common roof). Device farm and maintenance regime designed that allow you to use it even the breeders and Amateurs, who can take care of animals only once a week on weekends. With this periodicity are filled genome, roots or feed trough; no more and construye appliances with water heating. Slatted floor cages with funnel-shaped shafts pitched manure makes unnecessary constant under other conditions cleaning.

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THE MILL-MASTERThe bread baked in the village oven, needs no advertising: all articles del. Only here to store sacks of flour troublesome, much easier — the grain. And therefore, it is necessary to be able to grind grain at home without having to travel to mill. And get the flour as fine and coarse. At home in the village often have to roughing of grain, sunflower, tear down and to grind chalk, salt, various grain waste. And prepare feed on his farmstead — the dream of a villager: livestock and poultry in private households is increasing day by day.

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