Aware that in the modern mass automodelisme in a very objective and not very reasons there is a critical situation to the attention of athletes, club Directors, and especially the workers of the Federation of auto modeling sport of Russia unusual material. It is dedicated to the development of a new concept (hopefully, very promising!) class car — unmanaged vetrogonov.


WINNING Present to the readers a model rocket class S1B (altitude) with a total impulse of engines to 5 N·s allowed A. Mityureva for a number of years show high sports results (1990— second place at the world Cup, 754 m; 1991— first place in the match USSR—USA, 860 m; 1992—second place at the world Cup, 787 m; 1993— first place on European championship, 1178 m). It should be noted that such good results have been achieved thanks to, among other things, and specially designed engines designed by A. Sparia.


Unbeatable the development of composite and “duralumin” technology in the championship class expense of building a traditional Р2С, n unfortunately has a negative side. First of all it concerns the mass popularity of time. The fact that the technology which provides the elite group unikalnye results, not tan available in regular krukowski conditions. In Patni to apply the techniques of the masters also do not necessarily guarantee expected performance and technical data in connection with many subtleties at all stages of model generation. Moreover, starting from the selection of raw materials, adhesives, technologies, tooling and ending with the balancing and debugging machines, originally designed under a single superdigital. Important is the problem of the scarcity of the same materials and adhesives.

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SECOND YOUTH OF RARITYNow, when the time for establishment of school of a subclass of car “E”, in most circles, the problem of designing and building simple micromachines no longer exists. Thanks to the experience gained with it without struggling and novices. However, all this is legitimate when it comes to simplified likes, not tied to specific vehicles, and even the choice of the optimum scheme of the chassis models of any type and class. When the boys, having studied the basics of avtomobilestroenie, go to E-polyopia in front of them immediately raises a number of questions. And no wonder — the level design here on the head above.


HORSE SPEED Unusual “Junior; model class г2А. the description and drawings which were published in “M-K” № 10, 1993, said a surprising impact on the foundations of our reasoning krukowski theorists. Disputes regarding this model were many, and in the end the boys to vychisleniya truth even built exaggerated flying “test layout”, which was legalized in their brain is given in the publication of the First display after “wow guys seems to have decided to take up the manufacture of good oblagorozhenny machine kapatiran engine. But then, it seems, even to his own surprise, he bowed to the idea to develop another idea, which ended the above-mentioned article, In the end we managed to implement an interesting high-speed model-a duck with it and also with the design and g are susceptible of experimental techniques we want to introduce followers aeromodelling class F2А. Perhaps it will help to create not only a “Junior” but also the current championship, very promising “duck”.

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SIGHT - CHAMPIONThe magazine “M-K” in the last few years has published a number of interesting patterns with rubber motor, with an unusual decision nodes, and technological methods of their creation. Let “garbage weed” from their schemes, to design, we think, a very good and promising machine of the class B1, which combines not only good flight and operational characteristics, but also the manufacturability at a maximum nedvizimosti raw materials.

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ALWAYS AND IN ANY WEATHERMany of you probably noticed that the wiring of cargo ships in the mouths of rivers, on inland waterways and open sea raids using special vessels with a large inscription on Board the “PILOT”. This is a pilot trial. In accordance with the standard of their share on the botton with a displacement of up to 10 tons, boats with a displacement of 10 — 250 tons and the actual pilot vessels. In Russia are in operation all of the above types of pilot boats.


SUPERPOLITIK JUNIORSAttempts to use the competitions to openly simplified educational technology in the classroom cord aerobatic models, naturally, can not give good results even when well developed the skills of the pilot. But, oddly enough, is equally deplorable results brings and following the design methods of adult artists. The explanation is simple: the boys, even a few years dedicated solely to piloting, may not be so rich operating experience of the championship-tion equipment and motors which are required when you use a specially designed professional “pilotage”. But the latter, as a rule, is, in fact, the epitome of achievement in this sport классе1 And any drawings of modern models-“Champions” (which become the base for the construction of even the Junior vehicles with engines of large cubic capacity) absolutely exclude any discounts on “ignorance” or “inability”.


In the last ten years, model Aeronautics-members syut G. Votki claim with the same success at the national competitions held by the Ministry of education, repeatedly winning prizes. Particularly well the boys compete in classes rezinomotornaya and timer models, where every year they become Champions of Russia. A large proportion of the success belongs to an unusual school design winged vehicles, which were developed in the aeromodelling circle suit.


REZINOMOTORNAYA AUTO Before you start the story about our new model of class RM-2, we want to go back a little and to remember with gratitude the publication in “M-K” № 5 for the year 1991, which was the first time in the practice of automodelisme describes the main design principles rezinomotornaya. It should be noted that many of the points of the article for us was, if not a revelation, then at least unexpected. This is especially true of the exploitation of the rubber motor harness, a choice of parameters of the chassis and check the nature of the motion models in the boost areas.