THE CARRIER ROCKET “I looked at the ship, which was in a few minutes to go in the unprecedented flight. He was handsome… I Thought that this beauty is eternal and will remain for the people of all countries for all times to come. In front of me was not only a wonderful creation of technology, but also an impressive work of art”, — wrote the first cosmonaut jury Alekseevich Gagarin on the spacecraft, on which the 12 April 1961, he paved the way to space.

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AND AERO, AND HYDROGLISERAND AERO, AND HYDROGLISERModelers in different fields continue to explore for new areas of application plastic bottles from under carbonated drinks. On some designs that use these lightweight and durable containers that have been highlighted in the pages of “M-K”. Our today’s publication — about two boat with hulls of these vessels: rezinomotornaya-boats-catamarans. On one of them as a mover used the propeller, and the other air.

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MICRO-BLERIOTAt the Moscow city competitions on indoor models in 1975, first place went to Evgeny Ermakov. His model is a copy of the “blériot XI” rubber engine showed in the three games great duration: 60, 64, and 50 C. None of the Soviet airplanes have not demonstrated a flight duration rezinomotornaya room-models. How is “micro-Bleriot XI”?

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RUNNING ON WAVESCaravels, clippers and Brigs have long become history, but the sail disappeared with a blue ocean space. It appears not only in the Sunny tropical latitudes, but in the harsh Antarctic waters, and the Arctic circle. Mnogomachtovy training sailboat gigantic and small compared to them, sports yacht to this day ply the seas and oceans.

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A circle of aircraft modeling at the station of young technicians of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute, the air force, where he became a Navigator of a military aircraft, was the way to the sky Yuri Svechkar. But becoming a pilot, he retained affection for the builds them himself, directs a circle on Kirovabad syut, infecting Read more…


RC GLIDER-DUCKThe desire to create something unusual and striking, inherent, perhaps, to each of the modelers. This made sense at the time to try to find a new class of radio controlled gliders, which after years of occupation began to seem quite similar. Some time ago on paper there were projects non-motorized flying wings unusual geometry and several gliders-ducks. However, knowing that the process of creating a glider of any class more demanding than the aircraft, did not want to go on a risky experiment – flight properties of such extravagant cars were unpredictable.

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