FLYING SAILThis model can be built in 4-6 hours. It flies well indoors and outdoors. It is designed and built model airplanes Khabarovsk regional station of young technicians. The fuselage is manufactured of pine or Linden slats cross-section 6X5 mm. To the front of the rack using thread and glue to attach the bearing screw is made of tin or aluminum. At the distance indicated in the figure, fix the hook for the rubber motor, wire Ø1 mm. Stabilizer and fin can be made of plywood 1 mm thick veneer or just cardboard. Fix them on glue, make sure there are no distortions. Of Reiki is a cross section of 4X4 mm to prepare two racks of the wing, make the slots in the fuselage and install, as shown in the figure.

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Sports model missiles Ѕ6В champion of Russia S. Romaniuk (G. Uray) — a graphic representative of the aircraft’s so-called “Ural” scheme, the author and developer of which is a team of rocketmodeler city of Chelyabinsk under the leadership of the deserved trainer of Russia V. I. Tarasov. Its main feature — an extended tail cone. Its length is 115 mm. In the rest of the model is made according to fairly well-known technology.

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ROCKET GLIDER I. PONOMAREVAAmong the best athletes rocketmodeler Russia over the last three years was included the master of sports Igor Ponomarev. Two years in a row he was the winner or prize-winner of many competitions in the category of boys. There was even a medalist of the world championship of 2002 And going into the adult category, Igor said about himself — became the champion of Russia in the class of models of raketoplana (Ѕ4В) and the second prizewinner in the class of rotochutes (S9B).

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BABY GEARSearching for the correct gear for mechanisms of control model of the submarine I looked through descriptions of many designs with the aim to choose the most simple to manufacture. In the end I decided to use as a base for such a worm gear pair from the trimmer. The most suitable turned out to be multi-turn wirewound resistor type SP5-2 with a transmission ratio worm gear i=45.

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Model rotocut of the champion of Russia 2003 G. A. Reshetnikova — further improvement of “sergievskoe” scheme, developed in tstt “Youth” under the leadership of the deserved trainer of Russia L. O. Krasnov. This variant slightly increased the angle “V” pendant of the blades (12°) and has an additional corner of the “V” at the point of kink (folding), which promotes sustainable autorotation.

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For the study of near-earth space in the United States since 1948, began to build rockets “Aerobe”. To date released a large number of their modifications. A two-stage rocket “Aerobi 100”, the description and drawings which we published, are very useful for modeling. It is easy to manufacture and available to the modelers for the second year of study. Its flight is quite stable and shows good sports results. It is possible to participate in competitions of any rank.

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Boatmen on the pond

Boatmen on the pondChassis model paddle steamer. Model river paddle steamer look so advantageous as compared with the model of a modern airliner, as a large-scale replica of a steam locomotive railway locomotive attractive copies of our days. A water suspension model “Kolesnik” the nineteenth century, looks amazing – plenty of add-ons “mast, pipe, efficient things – all this creates a mouthwatering flavor century couple.

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