FLYING ON TRACKDesigning patterns, usually always takes place in several stages. It is almost impossible to make a decent model, once having passed a way from calculation and drawing to stitched wing Mylar film. Typically, this is only the first step in creating the model. The following will be the flyby of the model and its numerous improvements. And only when to improve the model through modifications, it will be impossible, on paper, a second version of the model, which absorbed all the best from the first and supplemented by all those. it was impossible to implement in the first version, with improvements. This is followed by overflights and…

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WPS — PATH TO AVIATIONSo, we are continuing in # 10 of our magazine talking about youth glider schools. More and more young boys and girls are now bosom a small silver-blue rectangular icon UPS. Wear it with pride, as proof that they’ve spread their wings and rose to the first, albeit small, step in mastering the difficult art of flying… Here is one of them in the recent past, cadet, and now an instructor-social worker Moscow city UPS, fitter machinery plant, Komsomol Sergey Kurjak. Tall blue-eyed blonde with curly hair.

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THROWING FOAMThrowing gliders are very popular among novice modelers. The fact that the technological and constructive simplicity, these miniature models have performance of more complex models. Miniature aircraft when you start the cast can climb more than 20 meters, they held steady in the “thermals” and sometimes depart quite far from the start.

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“Gird-09” — the first Soviet experimental rocket, the forerunner of the space rockets of our time. It was created in the Gird (Group of study of reactive motion) under the leadership of S. P. Korolev by the project of the head of the 2nd engineering brigade M. K. tihonravova.

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Amateur microelectroni becomes more and more tangible scale. We can safely say that the passions of individuals it has become a new and, moreover, a massive kind of scientific and technical creativity, mobilizing the hidden potential of people, as well as possible contributing to the wide dissemination of aviation knowledge among young people and training for one of the most complex industries — aviation.

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RC FOR ALLSimple radio-controlled model aircraft. Considered to be the creation of radio controlled model aircraft — the inheritance of true craftsmen-modelers. Many also think that a good RC-model to do at home is almost impossible There is also a view that it is easier and cheaper to buy original parts kit and assemble the model, developed by professionals to fly which is guaranteed to be decent.

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