Of course, thyristor power switches in household appliances is very compact and convenient, but… КУ201, КУ202 and familiar to all cheap copies, unfortunately, tend unjustly to fail. Failsafe only thyristors for industrial use (TL), but they are quite expensive and overall. Besides working, for example, an electric heater thyristor (triac-like) inclusion creates in radios and tape recorders unpleasant 100-Hertz background. So sometimes you have to go back to the old, but tried and tested method on a powerful load through the contacts of electromagnetic relays.
Construction and mounting the nail dowel for fixing metal structures to concrete made from hardened steel. If you release hardened on the fire and sharpen the head a certain way, and then tempering it — get a perfect tool to the drill for figured wood and soft metals. L. MOROZOV, G. Samara