Middle class car AUDI A4. Firm Audi appeared in 1910, when August Horch, who had, according to his contemporaries, a very obstinate character, did not get along with his partners, who owned with him a company Horch in Zwickau (Saxony). In the end, the A. Horch had to leave his own company and founded in Zwickau another firm with the same name. Last, after the judgment of the court was renamed to Audi, which in Latin meant the same as Horch in German — “listen”.

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MOSKVICH-407After the great Patriotic war the plant named Kim (Communist youth international) was renamed MZMA — Moscow plant of small cars. At the same time, there have mastered the production car “Moskvich-400”, the design of which was identical to the pre-war German Opel Kadett. “Moskvich-400” was equipped with nineleven 4-cylinder engine working volume of 1074 cm3 capacity of only 23 HP four-seater car had a mass of 855 kg and a length of 3900 mm.

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ASSAULT GUN His appearance in the world’s most famous German self-propelled gun of the Second world war, Ferdinand was obliged, on the one hand, the intrigues around the heavy tank /K 4501 (P), and with another — the appearance of the 88-mm anti-tank gun Cancer 43. Tank /K 4501 (P) — simply put “Tiger” designs of Dr. Porsche, it was shown to Hitler on 20 April 1942, simultaneously with its rival VK 4501 (H) — “Tiger” Henschel company. According to Hitler, in serial production was supposed to be running both cars, which strongly resisted the arms Control, employees who couldn’t stand the shrew favorite of the Fuhrer — Dr. Porsche.

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AUDI A2Make AUDI again appeared on the market in 1965. When the company Auto Union became the property of Volkswagen group, the automotive world began to take shape a massive shift to front-wheel drive cars. One of the first shown in the Frankfurt motor show AUDI front-wheel drive-1700.

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AMERICAN TANK DESTROYERSThe fighting of the “blitzkrieg” — start-up phase of the Second world war in Europe, first and foremost, stunning successes Germanic tank troops, clearly showed Americans that they have, in fact, there is not only tanks, but also anti-tank weapons. That is, anti-tank guns from the Americans, of course, was, and is no worse than in other countries, but, like tanks, is clearly insufficient. Moreover, they are “smeared” for infantry units. No specialized anti-tank units or parts in the US army at that time did not exist.

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PETLYAKOV PE-2Dive bomber PE-2 was developed in OKB V. M. Petlyakov on the basis of previously established experimental twin-engined high-altitude fighter VI-100. The first production PE-2 was released in 1940, and in the first half of 1941, the aviation regiments transferred 458 cars.

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FROM BIPLANE TO MONOPLANECarrier-based scout CURTISS SB2C HELLDIVER. In early 1938, the Bureau of Aeronautics of the U.S. Navy has developed the conditions of tender for the construction of a new deck of ramedica-bomber engine Right XR-2600 Cyclone. The dimensions of this plane involved the simultaneous placement of two such devices on the platform size 14,6×12,2 m samoletostroenie carrier. This requirement was most difficult to meet. Binding was considered as mechanisms for folding wings on the deck and the landing gear in flight.

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A FRENCH PLANE FOR THE ATOMIC BOMBStrategic bomber Dassault MIRAGE IVA. To raise the country’s prestige after the defeat in Vietnam and the independence of the defense capability of the United States, France officially announced in 1954, about the beginning of the creation of nuclear weapons. Two years were spent on the development of relevant scientific and production infrastructure, and in April 1956 the Ministry of defence held a competition for the best project of the strategic bomber carrier of the future French atomic bomb. The military wanted to obtain a jet with a range of 2,000 km, supersonic speed and payload of 3,000 kg.

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ILYUSHIN Il-28The design of the OKB Ilyushin a new frontline jet bomber with a maximum speed of 900 km/h and flight range of 2,000 km was carried out in initiative order. The aircraft, designated Il-28, was supposed to equip the British Nene engines-1 or their domestic analogues RD-45. Normal bomb load of a new machine had to be 1000 kg, maximum — 3000 kg.

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