Well in our time is no less important than before, especially given the popularity of cottage construction. No tap water, even filtered through modern filters can’t compare to well.
By its usefulness, well deserves to be the visible part of not just served a protective function, but also a decoration, served as a decorative design element of the site. For those who have your well, recommend the equipment of its ground part is not limited to a simple visor with a lid, and decorate a visor, for example, as shown in the photo. Pictured here the roof superstructure will be suitable for the existing well, and can serve and just his idea, a beautiful part of the area, if you are unable to acccess well.

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FOUNDATION HOUSEFinnish design houses have established themselves as comfortable, warm and resistant to seasonal phenomena and time. About the peculiarities of laying the basements and foundations of such country houses Builder says Finnish Pentti Jormanainen.
Do you know how are called the parts house? If not, carefully review Fig. 1.
And what determines the strength of the structure? It is known that the load that can withstand bearing and protecting designs of the house are due to natural phenomena under the influence of its own weight structures and are associated with the operation of the building. The various types of loads and impacts experienced by the house, as shown in figure 2.

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STOVE COTTAGEIn the country, as shown by many years of experience gardeners for cooking predominantly uses electric. Industrial design of these heating devices, usually equipped with thermostats or as they are called, the power switches. Analysis of the causes of failure of the electric range shown in the S. Privalov (1) showed that a significant percentage of failures is necessary just for the power switches. There are some negative aspects of their failure.

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GARDEN CAPITALAfter the construction of cottage or garden house, as a rule, there remains a lot of unused construction material suitable for auxiliary facilities on the site.
For example, the remaining timber can be used for making stationary, capital bench. One of the variants of such design offers the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”. Everything in it is “solid”, massive; this bench is not afraid of any bad weather, will last a long time, especially if it is not installed on the ground, and on asphalt or tile a cement pad somewhere in a cozy corner of the house wall.

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THE POOL OF TIRESIn the place where I decided to build a pool near the farmhouse, was an old pond that once served as a fire pond, and dog walking for Pets geese and ducks. But as time passed: for fire protection purposes now have running water, and the house became a cottage and birds do not hold here. Yes, and the pond gradually silted up and overgrown.

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SHOVEL-DUMPERIt would seem that so simple a tool is the shovel, that to change it or to improve its design is hardly possible. Yes, the handle of the bayonet – that’s the device. However, there are many variations of this quite ancient agricultural (and not only!) guns. And the search for its modernization continues. Including – and our readers, as evidenced by the below letter.

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STORAGE CROPThe development of the garden associations, the construction of houses and cottages caused an increased interest in structures designed to preserve the generous gifts of autumn.
In recent years, many gardeners prefer to store their harvest directly on the site. However, this often leads to inevitable disappointment, as it is performed sometimes without the necessary experience. Not taken into account, for example, to store potatoes you need a dark room with a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, at a relative humidity of 85 – 95 %. The room should be well ventilated to prevent the accumulation of carbon dioxide, but before the new tab is necessary to disinfect.

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IN THE GARDENThe combined table that you see in the picture, designed for garden or suburban area. It can be easily disassembled, so it is possible for winter to hide in the barn or under the canopy. It is assembled from two shaped racks connected in the middle and on the edges of the planks with screed laid on top of the countertop. Options stands form shown in the figure. The size depends on thickness of boards, ties.

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CONSTRUCTED BOOTH-TOILETThe development of cottage or garden plot the most prudent and economic to start with the erection of the booth of the toilet. And that, in General, correctly: how to do without it?
Option of such facilities, “where the king walks in” is the so-called play-closet, in which there is only a hole. A more advanced variation — so-called powder-closet, of the simplest design which we want to tell.

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