“Suli’s not pie in the sky, give it to the bird in hand…” So says an old Russian proverb. Don’t know whether it was guided by the famous Lithuanian designer Bronis Oszkinis, creating your initial glider training, to which he gave the name (in Lithuanian “ZIL”). At the all-Union meeting of workers and youth gliding schools and the design of the asset held by the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”, “Tit” was unanimously recognized as the best ka date training glider. This car can now be seen on many club airfields in our country. Very simple in design and reliable in operation, it has won wide sympathy not only of the younger generation of glider pilots making their first steps in the sky, and veterans of aviation sports.

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UNUSUAL VEHICLESWhat could be easier and more efficient wheel? This question asked a students of MVTU named after N. E. Bauman, and replies to it may serve as the exhibition NTTM-76, which aroused universal interest of visitors. This interest is not accidental: the mechanisms were distinguished by the uniqueness, originality, novelty.

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THE WINNING TRACK IAN TILKEThe first time he saw the race cars “buggy”, I remembered the frontline episode: on a country road, mutilated by bombs and shells, was speeding lorry. The road was exposed to fire of the enemy. Only people desperate bravery could decide to slip a completely open stretch of about a kilometer. And only extreme necessity could have forced him to do it. As it turned out, the driver of this lorry then volunteered to take ammunition to the infantry battalion heroically fend tank attacks of the enemy.

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TRICYCLE “In Moscow on VDNH USSR successfully held the exhibition NTTM-76. I saw a lot of interesting, but especially liked the tricycle for the elderly. It is created in Kharkov, there is, in my opinion, in a single copy. Therefore, I would like to know more about the technical features and innovations applied in its design”.

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BOAT Thousands of boats and boats, Amateur-built project of OKB “M-K”, travel through the water spaces of rivers, lakes and even seas of our vast country. It’s hugely popular “Muscovite”, “Volzhanka”, “Arrows”, “Mermaid”, “Typhoon” and “Ruslan”. The experienced eye specialist immediately identify them by their characteristic profile and landing on the water, allowing almost the entire speed range to go without a wave. But in recent years an increasing number of “hybrids” of boats and boats, born in OKB “M-K”. This is the result of a creative initiative, attempts on their own to adapt projects to local conditions, the search for new materials and technologies ensuring high quality products.

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BUILDING A CAR(Continued. Beginning at No. 10 in 1975.)
This task is more difficult than a lighter car. There are examples where Amateur designers created the suspension of a small car accidental selection of the finished parts and the result was a hard, Bouncing ia insignificant rough roads, bad listen to steering the car. Meanwhile, considering some of the theories and to use the experience of designing “real” cars, it is possible to achieve good smoothness and stability.

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BOAT-BAULAmong the boats built by Amateurs for their own projects, occupy a special place, as we now say, a “mini-design”. To them, undoubtedly, belongs and the boat is”baby”, created by our reader from Kiev N. G. Tarasyuk. A sheet of plywood, a few pine planks, half a kilo of casein glue or epoxy is all that is needed for its production. The capacity of “baby” is such that allows the two to take a little walk, to fish and hunt. The boat sits perfectly on krasivom the trunk of the car, and for transportation provided manually miniature truck on one wheel from scooter (size 12(1/2)x2(3/4).

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DVUTILDVUTIL“It is easier to pull than push” — the ancients said. Indeed, what if leading and control functions to combine in one wheel and make it no pushing and pulling! In the classical scheme of two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, etc.) the rear wheel is usually the leading, front of the same control.

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ASP-3: SNOWMOBILE FROM UFAASP-3: SNOWMOBILE FROM UFA“In the past I Aviator, wrote the Director of station of young technicians Ufa refinery P. S. Astashkin, and for obvious reasons I wanted to build a snowmobile that resembled a plane. After all, the best part of his life to aviation started at the flying club, finished in guards red banner assault regiment, which took place from the Volga to Berlin.

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