MICROVIDEO POLYARNIKCentral to the exhibition NTTM-78, dedicated to the XVIII Congress of the Komsomol, and the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol, very popular among the visitors enjoyed the section “Eureka”, in which he demonstrated unusual vehicles created by Amateur designers. Wheeled-tracked all-terrain vehicle “Arctic”, built as an electrician from Rybinsk Valery Medvedev, was one of those cars that arrived in Moscow on VDNH USSR “his way.” Yes, it was not a model but a live working machine, figuratively, “discontinued operation” in the household of his Creator. Summer and winter, heat and cold, hunting and fishing, just outside the city with your family or on urgent business drives this original machine designer. Already more than fifty thousand kilometers was “Polar”. The mileage is respectable, even for production vehicles.

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SNOW Snow scooter “the little humpbacked Horse” — advanced single track sled with steering from the mountains for skiing on-piste slalom or downhill. In different countries such sleds have different names: “snow bike”, “snow horse”, “ski-Bob”, “ski-Doo” (“the snow flea”). And they are made variously depending on the purpose and conditions of operation.

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DWARFS THE WHEEL OF THE KINGDOMWas close on the streets of big cities in many countries. Cars almost RUB against each other. The speed of the traffic flow often barely exceeds walking speed. But just watch — in a multi-bed machine sitting often only one driver, in the best case in society only passenger. The other places are empty. Then, maybe, you need to reduce the machine dimensions to one double-minicar, freeing up additional space on the streets thousands more like them?

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WOOD ON THE CHAINSAWWinter in our Northern lands long. Roads are not so thick, and those on time do not have time to remove snow from. It turns out that no trails of cars people here do not easy, moreover, often have to travel entirely off-road (e.g. forest wood) — recorded directly on virgin soil. However, the acquisition of a snowmobile, not everyone can afford, even the not-so-expensive—simple. So we have those who are able to make a machine with their hands, designing it according to your project under those parts that the craftsman. The snowmobile, which, the story goes, I was not the first (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 11 for 2004).

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BUGGY FROM KUDRINOBUGGY FROM KUDRINOAbout the craftsmen of the rural settlement of the Highlands of the Yaroslavl region, I had occasion to write more than once, and what a surprise it was that the reserves were not yet exhausted. With the local game warden Jevgenijs Picolinium relationship work immediately. It was felt that man can not sit idle. Every year, a new car, be it a tractor, ATV or buggy.

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GLIDER-GYROPLANE The design and construction of the “Bumblebee” creative team “Rise” was based on microalloy design V. Barkovsky, V. Vinitsky and Y. Rysuke described in “MK” (see: 1969, № 6, 1970, № 3, 1970, № 10 and 1971, No. 6). This well made and for the first time in the country is stable flying machine of this class was exhibited at the Central exhibition NTTM 74 and was awarded a silver medal VDNH. Schematic diagram, basic dimensions and technology are critical components of microstoria differ little from those recommended in these articles, so we will consider only the scheme of “Bumblebee” in three dimensions and focus on the changes that have been made in the process of finishing and flight testing of the apparatus. Outset: we had the opportunity to use a number of ready-made components and parts from decommissioned planes and helicopters, which, on the one hand, some changed the look of our machine, and with another — has greatly facilitated the work: eliminated many labor-intensive operations, used aircraft normal, good fasteners, and so on.

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BUER Buernomu sport in the USSR has a long and glorious tradition. He was born before the revolution, but was at that time available only to a very narrow circle of rich people and General development have not received. After the great October revolution, the picture changed dramatically: in yacht-clubs came young workers, buernomu sport started to develop there have Been many new models for “ice yacht”, and in the Northern parts of our country where the winter is long and a lot of ponds, Buer began to acquire some economic importance as a reliable means of winter transportation. It is appropriate, for example, recall that beresti of Leningrad, took an active part in the defense of the hero city during the siege of 1941-1943 years.

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FOLDING SLEDNot always, kindergartens or nursery located close to the poma. Wearing the baby to the bus or tram on the runes hard, especially in winter. To enter a vehicle with a child and a sled uncomfortable. This situation gave me the idea to make a lightweight collapsible sled. Experience has shown that the design turned out well, lightweight (weighs only 3 kg), simple enough that the kid feels for them perfectly because the seat is made in the form of a chair.

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