BEACH JEEP The idea of building a jeep because we like an active holiday. The basis was taken of the legendary Soviet car UAZ-69. Since it was planned to overcome the car is not only cool roads, but long distances, over “UAZ” had to work hard. At first it was disassembled “to the last bolt” and reviewed.

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FOLDING Bike “Tourist” lives up to its name. He’s not heavy, quite durable, easy to move, has a good ergonomic proportions, fitted with four-chain transmission; it may be two racks, generator with headlight, speedometer, rear view mirror, audible signal, reflectors and stand. The best rating is a big demand for it, which, unfortunately, is not satisfied the domestic industry.


HELMET INTEGRAL DOTo have a nice helmet you want to each the rider and the stages, and the requirements of the traffic police should be strictly observed. Popular hats-integrals produced by the industry, are in stores extremely rare, and the price is not small. But it turned out that to make “branded” integral and ourselves: we, a group of motor-fans, for several years, using the improvised helmets.


Somehow, “walking” on the Internet, on the website saw a homemade snowmobile Valery Pavlovich Smirnov, who I really liked. From the moment I came up with the idea to do something like that, in the end, and realized “in metal”. Principal longitudinal elements of the frame – spars – made of pipe sizes 28x25x2 mm, other elements – from pipe – 25x25x1,5 mm 20x20x1,5 mm.

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EVEN LESS MOKIKIAbout the club Valerii Taranaki known to many. How could it be otherwise? Ongoing participation in meetings and competitions enthusiasts “autosome”, in Republican and all-Union exhibitions, prizes, diplomas and medals he acquired this team a well-deserved reputation. On the pages of our magazine has already told about the car and metaconstruct Kharkiv “Club eternal”. Today we acquaint readers with their latest development, micropolitical “Dwarf”.

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SNOWMOBILEImagine readers of the venerable magazine “modelist-Konstruktor” simple in construction and small in size snowmobile, it is available for self-construction. It was designed so that there was no problems with spare parts (for example, there is no single-point lubrication: ball bearings – closed, all sleeves are durable: metallografitovyh and PTFE, and can buy them at any auto shop).

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RECUMBENT FOR KIDThe idea to design children’s recumbent came to me not by accident. The fact that all of the current children’s pedal cars are not without drawbacks. The idea of the idealized child recumbent folds, in my opinion, from the following functional features: collapsible design; similarities with the car; ease of use and storage; maximum comfort for your child.



FLY, BASED ON KNOWLEDGEThe results of the last three meetings, which were attended by hundreds of aviation enthusiasts, showed that the majority of the devices is executed at a high professional level. But there were planes, which the creators clearly lacked basic knowledge and experience. These machines, made in violation of the laws of aerodynamics and theory of strength, to fly is not allowed.