FAMILY, UNIVERSALFor many years now, I constantly write and read the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”. I was particularly interested in the materials, which describes autocostruzione. But until recently even and could not imagine that I will have a homemade machine. However, with the technique I have been friends since childhood, but the experience of autocostruzione had to acquire in the process of working on the car. All was solved when I got the magazine No. 9 for 1984 with the description of avtomol Stanislaus Chopanova from Yerevan: I understand — that’s what I need. Taking it as a basis, began designing and manufacturing its “jeep”, making changes and additions in accordance with commercially available components and materials. In parallel, the produced arc welder, compressor, original shearing machine of his own design that can cut metal of unlimited length and totally deforming it.


NEED A REFRIGERATOR?Every year with the arrival of winter in edition beginning to receive letters in which readers expressed legitimate confusion about unreasonable, in their view, the energy consumption of household refrigerators. Indeed, at a time when the window — bitter frost home refrigerator with a rumbling absorb all the new kilowatt hours of electricity to lower the temperature inside the refrigeration Cabinet two to five degrees Celsius and inside the “freezer” — to minus ten or fifteen. However, today few people remember that in the houses built before the war in the kitchens was located built-in wardrobe-fridge, which is a niche in the outer wall, which with a few holes communicating with the outside air and had a thick door with insulation. Of course, this refrigerator was not very reliable: when you thaw frozen foods melted, and in extreme cold turned into ice blocks that freeze should not.

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COMPLIANT TRAILERAfter reading in the “M-To” article V. Sedov, “the Trailer for “Jupiter” I thought that the exchange of experiences, ideas and technical solutions encourages and facilitates the work of Amateur designers. Perhaps my thoughts and study will interest readers, come across them on new interesting solutions or at least will help in the technical work.


MINI-JEEP It just so happened that the car in our country is becoming less of a means of transportation and all more luxury. Accessibility for a person of average wealth — not a speculator, not a businessman, not a banker close to zero. Those hundreds of thousands of rubles, I ask today for any car, not save any “works righteousness”.


As a rule, the design of velomobiles produced by homebrew are applications. That is, if the velomobile is designed for sports, speed runs, then all of its design features correspond exactly to this, and it is unlikely such a machine will be able to exploit an older person for the daily commute. And, on the contrary, completely eliminated the sports participation of household malogruzovaja-workers. This distinction is understandable, since for velomobiles of different types of completely different design principles, design loads and as a result design components and parts, design. But as it turned out, “harnessed to a cart horse and quivering DOE” is still possible. Confirmation of this — I have made velomobile “Grupas”.


WITH SAIL - IN THE HANDS OFIn the early 70-ies I happened to be a member of origin in the country of Windsurfing. In those years, sailing enthusiasts Board has high hopes for its extensive and widespread, but, unfortunately, a truly massive this sport did not, although the number of adherents of the sail increased significantly over the past two decades.


TANDEM - A BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWOFor many years I am a regular subscriber of “M-A” and find in it many interesting and necessary. I hope that my experience will be useful to other readers: I would like to share my thoughts and practical recommendations regarding the manufacture and operation of a tandem bike. A car I made on their own five years ago and drove it for thousands of kilometers.

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