Pilot paraplanner Alexander Garbana from the city of Tver before testing, the new paramotor designs truck PA airport ZmeevoI am an active participant of many paragliding events and now flying coach. Thus, we have an opportunity to observe the development of paragliding in Russia. And today I can note a brand new trend in our still young sport. The previous ten years of intensive development and improvement of the domes. Now, however, manufacturers have reached a certain ceiling. Relevant are not only the technical parameters paragliding equipment as its cost and availability for those enthusiasts who cherish the dream to fly in the sky like a bird.

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FAMILY BIKEAccording to the accepted classification today, mini-bikes called microvesicle for the (dimensions allow to store a car in the apartment and transported her in the car).
And family the mini-bike I called because the design was suitable for me and for my son. Built two mini-bike: from each other they differ only in the headlights, but otherwise identical. Here on this model, the “family” design will be discussed.

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ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE-KOMBINot so often, unfortunately, in the magazine there are descriptions of the improvised structures that exceed the current level of production of the Russian, and especially Western technology. And this is understandable: after all, do these Amateur machines, usually in a shed or garage where all the equipment consists of a drill and a welding machine.
But the Rover from the village Sermone, in Bashkortostan, made by a Hadith Shagalievich by Segalini and his sons, in my opinion, in many respects superior to the similar machines of domestic auto tractography.

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MINI TRACTOR MADE IN THE FAR EASTOur magazine has repeatedly written about Krasnodar, Stavropol, Ural tractors, motologic, milling rippers, electrocore created in the circles of young designers. These machines – good support and on the school grounds, and on experimental plots and in the field.
Mini tractor Amurchonok, which is described on these pages, built in the far East. Its author-the mechanic V. N. Lukyanenko – elected when creating a machine the most efficient way: the maximum used serial components and assemblies, arranging them in a sufficiently strong, tough, nimble and very modern on external forms of design.

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TRAILER-HEROMany developers will be the future homeowners or gardeners — you have to solve the issues of transportation for short distances of local construction materials such as soil, sand, stone. Some owners, having their own transportation equipment (automobile, tractor or even a walk-behind tractor), buy her a trailer. However, the price of industrial trailer such that a prudent owner, especially if he is a man of the workman, be sure to pretend to do the trailer yourself? But for these craftsmen and to the development of a cargo trailer.

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SLED WITH AEROFOAMYThe manufacture of snowmobiles, which will go below it preceded by the construction of more than a dozen of the other: single and double; single, double and trehlistnyj schemes. Typically, these designs are copied from some other. Their further operation showed that they were not all successful. However, during construction and use is acquired and accumulated the necessary experience that enabled you to do already and the original snowmobile, which will be the story.

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Dear editors of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”. Your journal I read from 1988 (I’m now 33). By profession I am a mechanic, own a welding business, and to all, a big fan of technology. Using published in the journal of the technical development of Amateur designers, he built three mini-tractors. It was found and used some of their technical solutions, for example, a tractor equipped with gidroksila.

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BOAT-TANKHow not to help the little Katya to see how the swimming fish! During boat rides with grandpa Victor on the lake it was peremeshivaete across the Board, trying to see underwater creatures.
Grandfather, fearing that the granddaughter accidentally fall into the water, asked her not to lean over the water. And promised that next time they will float no more on this, and on his boat, which he will do a special window, so that Katya could see him fish.

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IN THE WAY, ALONG WITH GIVINGThe idea to make a transportable cottage I have matured more in those years, when the travellers dream on road service was just impossible. So I decided to provide it himself. I must say that you made many years ago, the country successfully is now. After all, the campgrounds and motels are mostly located near busy roads. I bivuachnoe its housing break right at the place of rest, close to nature, almost causing her harm.

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STAR ONE SPEEDS A LOTOne of the problems of a pedal of a drive of the bike was and still remains the need to change torque to the driving wheel depending on road conditions. And I must say that the designers decide, but in many ways They even created planetary drive bushings, however they are complicated and therefore not cheap. So often on the rear wheel set of the multistage transmission with more asterisks and mechanisms for the transfer and payment chain length. This is the most waste and inexpensive option. But the number of stars (usually three. sometimes four) is sometimes not enough. Then to increase the number of “speeds” leading asterisk also make two – and even three-stage.

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