At the time I had a chance to build and test many motor boats. The first water I came off the boat “star”, the drawings of which were published in the October issue of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” for 1966. It is known that the village of homebrew not spoiled by the wide range of structural materials. What was required for the construction of the “Stars” for a long time was not. Had to make do with what was in the moment at hand, namely, a steel sheet with a thickness of 1.8 mm. Naturally, the power set of metal profiles and strips of different cross sections, coupled with sigouney paneling gave the boat a pretty solid mass.
I’m a longtime admirer of the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”. In the publications of improvised technique find many useful, and most importantly — increased creativity and a desire to design your own technique. I also homebrew with the experience. In recent years, made three tillers for themselves and their relatives. For processing country of six acres, but still planted mostly fruit-berry cultures, these machines are very suitable. But if the plot is bigger, then their effectiveness is eroding. Without a tractor here not to do, even a small mini. Here I am, before you take a plot of land on the former state farm field is abandoned, decided to make and made a good assistant — a mini-tractor.
As you know, for different road conditions: descents, climbs — many types of bikes use a block of sprockets of different diameters for changing torque to the rear driving wheel. These mechanisms are relatively complicated, high cost structure, which does not allow to use the foot brake. But torque can be adjusted by changing the length of the connecting rod! And their mess is easy to exercise at home on all road bikes.
Many lovers of active rest on the nature, prefer Cycling to other types of short journeys: on foot, by car. Walking on foot you can fully enjoy the pleasures of nature, slowly to see, but, unfortunately, only in the immediate vicinity. When the drive to communicate have no longer with nature, and with the road, to break away from that is problematic even in a jeep.
Whatever you say, the main and most available in the production of multigrade engine homemade all-terrain transport vehicles remains pneumatic— wheel with low tire pressure. But for a lot of Amateur designers making wheels of pneumatic-tired machines presents certain difficulties. Sometimes hard even to determine their design. Traditional rims — two rims with cradles between them, seated on the disc or the hub via the spokes, in the manufacture of complex, and their design, as they say, leaves much to be desired.
For residents of the Urals, Siberia, North, Far East (that is, the most part of the country) the need for such a car, as the Rover is simply a vital necessity. The reasons are many: good roads are few, the terrain is rugged in the winter almost six months of deep snow, and in the off-season and even during summer thaw. To get a car, not afraid of off-road, always wanted me. Of course, corporate SUV, for example, “field” on the tires (this machine is already twice as expensive as usual) — I can’t afford. However, (probably from the perfectionism of my character) and a homemade all-terrain vehicle (one of those that often collect enthusiasts with their hands), and that the car is difficult to call, I, too, was not satisfied: I wanted to have something more.
The vehicle is made according to the scheme proven by the tractor “Kirovets”. He has the same “breaking” the frame and drive on both bridges. What gives? First, the good permeability. Frame, continuously curving, as if tracking the terrain. All four wheels are constantly in contact with the surface. This eliminates the overload of individual wheels and slip them on the uneven ground. Second, increased maneuverability. The hinged frame is sensitive to even the slight deflection of the steering wheel and allows you to turn almost on the spot. Thirdly, constructive simplicity. In this scheme, you can use exactly the same front and rear axles. Simple turns and the engine mount.
This micromatic created a budding Amateur designer — senior Artyom Pokrovskiy from the city of Tver. Creatively using the publication of “Modeller-designer” of yesteryear (in particular, published in No. 2 of’79 and # 8’89), he is from parts, components and assemblies used bikes and mopeds collected miniature vehicle. This car does not need a garage— it can be stored on the balcony of a city apartment, lifting her in the Elevator. Mini dirt bike has a high cross, but rather “portability” — trudnoreshaemyh place can be overcome, taking him in hand (even a child), and then take it further.
In the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4’2003 was a good publication about the interesting developments of the members of the club of Tambov veloturistov: different models for every taste with comfortable armchairs, an efficient muscular actuators and stable three-wheeled chassis.
Among these original homemade is one model that is fundamentally new in the environment of velomobiles, as she, like a normal bike, two-Wheeler! By construction, the model is simple, although it requires a special frame-the console with the extracted BB node. Off the bike they can be comfortable fit of the driver on the sports car reclining. I made a prototype and have tested it, because somehow I could not believe that you can ride a two-wheeled car almost lying on his back.
There are still many of Russia’s rivers and lakes that can deliver joy and pleasure to fans of rest on water. But most reservoirs where you can swim in the boat, away from settlements. Leave the boat in places unsafe. So today we offer DIY to see malogabaritnih, simple je the manufacturer of boat-a punt, a description of which was published in the Romanian journal “Tehnium”. Design and technology of its manufacturing on the basis of domestic experience has been slightly modified and augmented. This boat is easy to deliver to the place by car, motorcycle or Bicycle with a small trailer as it weighs less than 67 kg. This vessel can be easily modified for the installation of sails or a small motor.