Downhill on sleigh with mountains-a fascinating sport and a great way to relax. It is a pity that this pleasure is available only in snowy winter. Summer, spring and fall on such a lesson can only dream of. However, it is possible to make and such a versatile sports equipment that is suited for skiing the mountains at any time of the year. Moreover, it is not too difficult. However, “Sani” then you need a special air.
We present a prototype of the amphibious machine is a device hovercraft (Ohr) under the name “Aerodzhip”, publication of which was in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 7 for 2007. Like the previous machine, the new machine – a single-engine, single-rotor with distributed air flow. This model is also triple, with the location of the pilot and passengers at the T-scheme: pilot middle front, and passengers – on the sides, back. Although there is nothing stopping the fourth passenger to sit behind the driver – seat length and power rotor setup is enough.
In our city of Kingisepp were gliding club ROSTO, which I have since 1996 worked as a flight instructor. Of aircraft in the club were two light aircraft, four airframe. But they were not new. Money to buy new aircraft or the repair of old growth is no longer isolated. Aircraft equipment came into disrepair, and in 2000 the club was liquidated.
My life in aviation began from the age of 10, when I joined a model aircraft club. The cart worked for a long time and seriously, participated in competitions, received the title of candidate master of sports aerobatic models and aerial combat.
If you remember that sports cross-country skis designed for movement, mainly for the track, and a wide hunting transcend any snow, it will be very clear what the proposed design is a home-made sled is significantly different from all sorts of store: first of all, that doesn’t require groomed snow slopes. Even quite popular now trehmernye cat “Chuk and GEK” saved on the hill with deep snow, and these can easily rush down, leaving behind only a white cloud and a wide trail. He will emphasize the basic design feature that gives it such “off”.
Once the attention of mushroom pickers has attracted tourist from approaching trains in bright veloform, helmet with “cello” in the case behind. Removing the box and opening his zipper, took out of it… brilliant frame with wheels. A few motions – and before the astonished mushroom was already a three-wheeled velomobile. The box on the trunk itself – in the saddle, and in a minute a tourist in a strange car disappeared around the bend suburban road…
Introducing the ATV, our constant author S. Pletneva from the city of ocher, Perm territory. Once they built the machine indicative of the increased level of development and skills of its Creator. However, judge for yourself…
Class cards pioneer is the smallest of the sports racing cars. The working volume of its engine is only 50 cm3. These cards are build for racing, involving boys aged 9 to 16 years. Unfortunately, the industry these machines are not yet released, and they are created in sections and circles.
Offer readers a description of the design built my trailer. The creation of this garden on wheels gave me the tools and guidance previously published in the journal (for example, No. 8 1969). But much had to think out myself. The trailer was simple in design, compact to transport, convenient to the Parking lot in the chosen place of rest.
Over the last several years in the spring I bring the trailer to the recreation center and leave for the summer. Every day after work with the family go out of town for the night, and weekend for two days.
Universal trailer for a passenger car. My wife and I often leave your car in the recent trip to fish on the lake, in the woods for mushrooms. And in these travels we never get enough of the trailer, a kind of compact, camper, and where you can safely sleep and eat, regardless of what the weather today. Of course, you could buy a tent, but we’re not hunters to relax under a fabric roof. While we do not want to buy or build bulky the cottage-trailer (camper) – was enough to dvuhmestnoe bedroom on wheels, which could be easily transformed into a double of the same dining room.
The design of the “Slavutich-UT” is a classic: tubular frame, cable system stretching and edging with the main elements of armor. The device is equipped with removable wheels and safety antieconomy device. The kit also includes a suspension system.