STUDENT Before you start talking about the car “Adrenaline” – built student engineering group of Moscow automobile and road Institute (MADI) to participate in the international competition “Formula Student”, it is necessary to say a few words about the history of this event.

In 1976, a number of technical universities of the USA held a contest of student projects of vehicles, which was a great success but the Event left unattended in automotive giants, many participants received job offers from them.

Since then, a large automotive firm hold in the field of view of gifted students, pay them a stipend, provide a variety of assistance with the condition that after graduation, ward will come to work to support his firm.

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FAST AQUAPADThe court, using for movement the muscular strength of a man, never belonged to the category of speed. The only exception is racing boats for rowing, which is the most fleet of vessels musculoides. Due to their known good configuration and the most complete use of the muscle energy of athletes, boats-“eight” is capable of two-kilometer distance to reach the speed of 12 knots. But this does not mean that this speed is the limit of possibilities of human movement on the water surface. If you deviate from canonical constructions of rowing boats, designed for official competition, then there is a possibility of creating a spacecraft-muskurahaton reach speeds up to 20 knots!

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BUILDING A BOATDespite the fact that the industry produces many different small vessels (including yachts), the number of homemade, Amateur-built, grows from year to year. They boldly experiment with various materials used in their projects are interesting technical solutions.

Applied technology construction of small vessels is the result of years of experience. But the limit to perfection does not exist, and there is always the possibility of improvement of the individual steps of a multi-faceted process, which can make the building any less time consuming, does not require high skills or cheaper. So, in recent years we have proposed and tested several non-traditional ways of making buildings that can undoubtedly be of interest to shipbuilders.

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WHEELS UNDER SAILIn the last decade, especially popular among Amateur designers use motor vehicles on light wheels with cameras-Pneumatics. The amazing maneuverability of these machines prompted the sailing enthusiasts to use the unique properties of the wheel-Pneumatics when you create year-round sailing.

This publication acquaints readers with such a vehicle.

So, get to work. I advise you to start with the most difficult — with the manufacture of the trolley.

Trolley frame is welded from thin steel tubes. That frame turned out to be symmetrical and without bias, it makes sense to build it to build a kind of slipway. In the simplest case — smooth area of the floor on which are mounted, in accordance with the dimensions of the truck front axle and rear fork controlled along with the steering column.

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MINI CAR FOR KIDSThe first little micro-car “mouse” I built for my kids. As far as he was able, the readers of “Modeller-designer” can tell, after reading his description and drawings, published in “M-K“.

As a result, I accumulated some experience of designing and has already planned not as a child, and “adult” car. Called it “mouse-2”. Built a long time, or rather, not so much built, how many were looking for the necessary parts. This, in particular, due to the use of “Mouse-2” mechanical brakes (now I change them for hydraulic). Development drawings and the construction was carried out simultaneously, although the basic parameters of the “Mouse-2” was thought out by me in advance.

Bring him brief technical description. This twin four wheeled vehicle with an engine producing 14 HP (working volume of 346 cm3) located in the back. Equipped with two independent braking systems: a primary (working) foot all-wheel drive and a spare (side) lever actuated on the rear wheels only.

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48 CYLINDER KAWASAKIA certain enthusiast by the name of Simon Whitlock set out to build not just powerful, but very powerful motorcycle. You can go simple way – to attach to a motorcycle frame any brutal engine of a large volume, such as from a Viper or Corvette, but then the design would be too bulky and large, which is undesirable.
And then this enthusiast found is not quite simple, but very elegant solution – “rasterman” 16 motorcycles Kawasaki KH250 parts, he United their engines as one, the result of which was monstrous 48-cylinder engine weighing almost one ton.

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FIELD CARDream-the idea of making a car, even simple, like buggy, appeared in his teenage years, when machines were in short supply. But for many UNDERSTANDABLE reasons (had neither the experience nor the tool nor the means) she could not at that time be done — and ended only with drawings on paper. Over the years the opportunity came to build, and the boyish idea has revived in my mind. On the profile of their work by this time, I’m already quite versed in the device of conventional cars, which helped me during the implementation of the project.

Our dictionaries, even technical, somehow paid attention to this type of machines is buggy. But with the current accessibility to Internet resources was not difficult to see and understand what constitutes a real cross sports or recreational vehicles called “buggy”, which translated to English means “bug” or “flea”. And in fact — this is the machine for driving off-road over rough terrain or desert the coast.

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BUGGY - SPORTS CROSS-OVER VEHICLEStudent design Bureau Carian Polytechnic Institute named after A. M. Gorky is known not only in redkach edges, but also far outside the Republic. The original snowmobile, transport on an air cushion, knapsack aredigital and other developments, which are not repeatedly described in “M-To” attract the attention of specialized organizations.

SKB has been around for almost a quarter of a century. Today is a great scientific and experimental unit of the Institute where research is being conducted on a number of topical issues, and most importantly, CSC provides a massive attraction of students to scientific-research and experimental-design works. Now there were seven groups, each developing “its” subjects.

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OUR FIRST CARThe boys bent for to the technician, probably in the genes. Only now their life is quite a long period (the so-called transitional age) when playing with toy cars they already feel shameful for himself but to get behind the wheel of this car — they haven’t got the time, most often such just is not even from my parents.

But with such boys, we have designed and built several simple, but real cars, slightly differing in size and execution. But because those of them that little more, we have given the name “buggy”, and their smaller “cousins” called “cards”.

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CARS FOR KIDS COURSEPedal cars of the type “Card” and “the idea of crossbreeding”, produced by our industry, are very popular with children. But these machines could be even more widespread, when combined with D-6 engine from a motorbike and a bit modified. The result is a real baby sports car.


When my nine year old daughter, Vita (the way, she began to ride from the age of seven) leaves the yard in his car it is of interest not only in children but also in adults. Wanting to ride ia car rife. And ride everyone, boys and girls aged 6 to 12 years.


Vehicle speed up to 30 km h For beginners it is too much, but there is a simple device which at first can be limited to 10-15 km/h.


Driving a car is not difficult — because of the management bodies of all four: wheel, brake and two pedals — the left pedal is the clutch, and the right of the gas pedal.

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