SELECTAMARKIf some time ago the author said that he would have to “reinvent the wheel”, he would take it as a joke. However, the skepticism has vanished after discovering a magazine with a model of “vetrohod”, made by Alexander Twins. The model had air and propellers sitting on the inclined shaft, and moved strictly against the wind under the action… of the wind!

It seemed tempting to do on this single principle vetrohod: two Bicycle wheels, if the spokes in pairs to paste over thick fabric, could serve as a multi-blade wind turbine, the rotating propeller via a chain drive.

But what to do when there is no wind? You can turn the wheels pedals! Then the wheels turn into propellers, and the propeller as in the previous case, is used lo its intended purpose. However, this transmission was quite difficult and promised big losses.

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BUGGY RACING WITHOUT ROADSEvery Sunday the gates are opened to the sports section “Buggy ERMZ”. To the factory yard with the characteristic of motorcycle engines crack go dirt buggy. Today exercise. Guys this day is going to the most and everyone wants to try the forces in front of its closest competition, after all, to drive lucky one who has shown the best result of training and worked hard in the creation and preparation of the machine for the contest. The guys mostly 16-20 years, many of them are passionate about technology with 3-5 grade and have Sidney wit. Sports for them is a favorite form of leisure. But soon they will graduate come to the production, army groups, and the technical knowledge and practical sports skills, fitness, purchased in the sports section, will probably come in handy in life. Practice shows that those who engaged in technical sports, proactive and hardworking in the production, they usually say “Jack of all trades”.

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WOOD ENGINEERINGSay, in the Urals during the difficult years of chaos after the civil war an artificer built a car where everything was wooden, even the engine. However, if the wizard so the echo legendary as Leskov’s Levsha, here the use of wood instead of metal in the most important nodes in modern machinery: rolling mills, tractors, cranes, harvesters — not a legend, but a reality of our days.

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