RECHARGING THE BATTERY? Is ELIMINATED!(Continued. Beginning in № 9’01). To making a universal charging apparatus, it is recommended to proceed only after at hand will be all you need, including tools and supplies. Case size mm 300x200x200 taken or prepared, as the front panel (300×200 mm), handmade. Transformer power 250 VA, is wound on the magnetic core SHL 50×32 mm (for calculations it is more convenient to use the units of measurement universally accepted Amateur practice, when the cross section of the magnetic circuit is expressed in cm2; in relation to the SHL package recommended core 17.5 cm2). If the core is W-shaped, the sectional area needs to be 1.4 times more, that is, 24.5 cm2.

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The process of establishing electronic circuits the most exciting and interesting, but also the longest, sometimes bringing a lot of grief for Amateurs due to the lack of reliable power supply. After all, the battery or the battery do not serve indefinitely — they are discharged. Changes frequently and the line voltage. And each scheme is designed for a specific voltage. Changing it degrades the operation of the entire electronic device.

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SIMPLE NEGOTIATIONWithout pretending to any special built in circuitry to use a more graceful version of an intercom that can be used as an intercom system in the private house or in the country. The design is simple and available for self-production, even a novice radio enthusiast. In standby mode the device does not consume battery power, but is always ready to work: just touch the button and — please say! Working on the second set you will certainly hear.

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The voltage is from 1 to 12 In intervals of a single oxen allows to obtain a transformer, the circuit of which is shown in the figure. If desired, the switching is easy to implement dubplates switch. Constructive data of the transformer depends on the magnitude of the input current.


“What to replace the gauge?” — this question often arose during the meeting with an interesting measurement scheme. Ohmmeter, voltmeter, test transistors — these devices are difficult to imagine without a milliammeter. Nevertheless, this instrumentation can work without a dial indicator. This is easy to see, collecting scheme, in which the role of the indicator does… sound generator.

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Improvised medical vibroacoustic device “Vitafon” is intended for the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, ulcers, open wounds, fractures, bruises, hemorrhoids. Acting contact method (with continuously changing the sound frequency) at a particular organ, the apparatus excites mikrovibratsiyu affected (and adjacent to the nidus) of the tissues, activates the healing processes and recovery. A fundamental principle is the same therapeutic effect, as shown by the results of the research is a local increase in capillary blood flow and lymph flow due to reduction of hydrodynamic resistance of blood vessels within the area of vibro-acoustic influence of waves of a certain range.

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