For those who like roasted seeds or coffee beans at home, but do not want to waste time to stand at the stove with the continuous turning of the upcoming Goodies, I recommend a simple and reliable technical solution. Its implementation will require microelectronical, a double reduction from some broken mechanical toys, self-made metal tray is a sieve and a couple of strands of steel wire. And yet, ten minutes of patience to put it in a workable structure, as shown in the figure.
Not so long ago they were — the kitchen shelves until they were driven out by the closed cabinets. The latter, no doubt, has its advantages; but its those same: it was all in the mind; to take something — don’t need every time to open-close the door; but fancy curtains, which sometimes zateryalis shelves gave even a modest kitchen feel like home. And now retro-the shelves start to return to the kitchen. This is understandable: wall lockers (especially kitchens) are very expensive. In addition, modern vessels have become so beautiful, what a pity to hide them behind the door — they can serve as a decoration. And to make such shelves will require a minimum of skills and readily available materials — any boards, plank, laths, wedges — that is at hand.
I wonder how would the heroes of Ilf and Peter, if he knew that the treasures are in the chair, made for one of the modern furniture factories in Moscow m taken out of the context in selling the amount of one million ekzemplyarov! But the most annoying is that even such elementary and simple furniture is not enough, and the price on it jumped to fantastic quantities. “M-K” constantly tells its readers, with minimal cost, but and the same time original and tasteful to organize your life is to make furniture with his hands. And not sang to call the recommended options, and take them only as a basis, modifying and transforming under Soi conditions and possibilities.
One way of joining metal parts is soldering. With proper selection of flux and solder these connections are more reliable and can withstand a high load. Brazing is carried out various gas burners, with a supercharger and no bliss using as fuel liquefied propane. Homemade injector burner can be powered by cylinders with liquefied propane with a capacity of 1 litre (and cylinders must be equipped with a valve with a hose or cylinders with a capacity of 25 liters.
For most carpentry work produce out the workshop requires a few common tools and materials: hacksaw, hammer, pliers, nails, etc. For carrying them, it is advisable to use a small tool kit. We offer to your attention the design allows to extend the usual function of such a drawer and has the following advantages:
No wonder they say that “the bath soars, bath cooks, bath’ll fix it!”. Unfortunately, I for many, the meaning of this folk wisdom comes too late, when the disease begins to approach the critical point. But, it would be easier, as taught by the elderly: a hot bath, a birch broom — and no sickness will not take! Preventive properties of bath known for a long time, so those who cares about their health, always “friends” with her. Not uncommon today own baths and saunas in the cottages, garden plots country partnerships. Build saunas in enterprises, sports complexes, adding to their Lounges, pools, rooms, simulators and other attributes of health promotion.
In the mail “Club house masters” are sometimes most controversial letter. Some readers, for example, write that they expect from the magazine, in particular the sections of “All for summer” and “Furniture with his own hands”, detailed descriptions of the construction of garden houses, diagrams and drawings DPJ furniture manufacturer, described what is called “to the last screw”. Others, however, believe that ia the pages of the journal should be published only original ideas, common types of concrete structures made by Amateurs. In their opinion, such materials stimulate independent creativity, “give food to the DPJ’s mind.”
Arched design with all other conditions being equal, will always be stronger, safer and cheaper structures of other types — especially when the arc itself consists of rods, working only on tension and compression. At the time, it was appreciated by the famous mechanic Kulibin, who created a scale model of the arch bridge, which was supposed to connect the banks of the Neva. The original arch design, suitable for the creation of greenhouses, conservatories, sheds, garages and other structures, have managed to create a reader of our magazine from Novgorod S. Y. Makurin. The module of such a set represents a Central design consisting of 240 wooden rods (rails) with cross-section 20×50 mm and a length of from 0.5 to 1 meter (volume of the material is 0.2 cubic meters). The module area is 15 square meters. Docking these modules, you can get the arch structures of any size and different configuration.
To get out of the closet was an abandoned jig saw for cutting wood you will make, we are sure depicted in these figures are delicate fixtures. Like lace, they delight the eye with their patterns and fit well into a modern interior. This lamp will decorate the hall, but dining room, kitchen, office, nursery, bedroom — any room where it will blend perfectly with furniture. A similar shade attracts with its originality and practicality: it will never be broken, and the material for its production is readily available is any seasoned plywood.
In the practice of homebrew somehow less common device is a bending machine. I don’t think this is due to the rarity can be accomplished with it operations, rather — the lack of information about how to do it. For example, I haven’t seen in magazines or technical literature his descriptions. But this simple tool is very useful: it allows even unskilled wizard efficiently curving blanks from sheet material. This ensures the absence of deformation at the bent portion of the sheet, making it impossible to achieve using the traditional mallet and mandrel. Experienced in the production of our NII bending machine proved to be indispensable in the manufacture of chassis of radio equipment, various housings, casings and connection sheets in the fold.