THE LADDER: A BED, A TABLE, AN EASEL AND A GAZEBOIt is not an exaggeration: the basis of all of these designs really stepladder. However, originally arranged, which allows to obtain the transformation. Like all sliding ladders, it consists of separate halves having a top swivel. But that’s where the similarity ends. Next come the features that make the ladder universal fit to build the structures that are needed. In particular, for children’s room or for the garden.

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LADDERS, BUT WITH STEPSSomehow, helping Ivan Andreyevich, the old man at seventy plus, to refurbish the ladder in the cellar, I noticed how difficult it is for him to come down, foot on the crossbar was shaking without any support under the heel and toe. Especially when in the hands was a load of potatoes, and especially bag. “There would be steps, — he was justified, noting my sympathetic glance, and then like a chicken on the roost.”

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SUITE FOR THE ATTIC“In one of the rooms of the journal among the tips I was interested in the original triangular door leading to the attic. We have not solved the problem of the use of the space under the roof, behind the wall of the room in the attic where such tables would be useful. Can’t they tell us more?”

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MARKUP WITHOUT A TEMPLATEUsually machines, mechanisms and assemblies during installation is fixed to the mounting surface or Foundation of several bolts. The centers of the bolt holes, usually marked with templates, taken from the base mounted units. Work sin a long, time-consuming, requiring the involvement of specialists of high qualification. However, to avoid markup errors that reduce the reliability of fastening is not always possible.

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SAWMILL-IMPROMPTULumber for construction in the suburban area is always a concern and sometimes a problem. At the same time when clearing dedicated to building playgrounds felled trees — not such a rarity; in the best case they go for firewood.I want to share my experience a more rational use of this raw wood — the dissolution of it on the boards or timber.

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COMBINE IN NURSERYIf the baby has a crib, then consider that he had even in a small room have their place. But if he would have a bed, as proposed by the British magazine “the Popular mechanics”, it is more than a place — it is a corner of the habitat. Because the considered design is a processor that contains not only a bed for sleeping: you can play, place your favorite toys, books, clean linen in the morning… Another advantage of this construction is that it is quite accessible for self-production by the parents with the feasible participation of the child: it might have something to bring, to hold, to clean, apply.

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TRAP HOLEThe journal “modelist-Konstruktor” discharged since 1980, so are his longtime admirer. Could not write to the editorial Board decided for the first time. At school are addicted to design and manufacture any devices, mechanisms, tools. Sometimes fails to come up and do something then suddenly see the magazine and think: what you haven’t shared with others? Therefore, I write.

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CREATIVE CORNERI was always surprised how passionate people are literally “cuts out” even in their small apartments place under house workshop while compactly arranging the equipments and tools efficiently using the available space. His creative area in the acquired country house I arranged in the wall between the Windows. Initially hoped to use it as temporary. Therefore, as the basis for it were made simple homemade rack, assembled mainly from only one planed boards with a thickness of 10 mm and a width of 120 mm.

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