MULTI-TIERED TOOL KITThe most common variant of a tool box like the pros, and Amateurs tinkering — usually just a wooden box with carrying handle. Respectively, and its contents, as a rule, is what is called bulk: tools, fasteners, accessories— all mixed up. Not out trying to make a branch or attach additional boxes to use is still uncomfortable. Appeared in the sale of imported boxes with embedded sections, allowing you to restore domestic order, but their price is often more than any power tool.

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The idea to build the terrace was inspired by the vacant greenhouse dimensions 3×4 m of the old wooden window frames, which stood idle for the second summer season. No need for her was no more, because needs of the family was missing one big greenhouse. The family Council decided to build in its place an open terrace with a transparent roof.

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TIME TO REFURBISH THE WINDOWSIn a city apartment, a dacha and in a garden house wooden window frames periodically require ponovleniya & painting, glass — coating or replacement if cracked or broken. All of this is easy to perform on their own, with our recommendations (on materials of foreign seal). If the window places the paint was peeling or inflated, do not rush to re-paint, first prepare the surface.

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Amateur Builder V. N. Nazarov, who owns the project, is already familiar to our readers to interesting articles about the original room vegetable storage in the kitchen Cabinet, concrete mixer from the barrel, and country Desk-fireplace, was constructed on its site.A man of experience, V. N. Nazarov for several years has built 90 km from Moscow house in three levels, using only weekends and holidays. Realizing that it under force not to everyone, it offers the design of the house module, the main frame which was built with the help of construction companies, and wall and roof finishes would have to perform their own individual developer from available materials.

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Lovers locks to open the other doors, alas, are not translated. And those who are forced to permanently leave your home unattended, not indifferent to the device that can protect a house from a ruinous invasion. A good additional remedy may, in particular, to serve as makeshift alarm “In the house — a stranger!”. I designed the device alarm is triggered pushed the door lock after a short delay, duration of 15-30 s. the Unexpected and sudden signal caught by surprise villain, living beyond the threshold of what is permitted.

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VALVE FROM THE FLOODThere are cases of disconnection of water in homes for a long time not only for repair of water system, but also for its economy. Such breaks is fraught with the danger of flooding the entire apartment and the neighbors left unclosed tap, what’s going on not only in a hurry or distraction, but because of the lack of water in the pipes and hence the impression that the valve is closed. It is easy to imagine the consequences of a sudden resumption of water supply in the absence of the owners of the apartment.

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In good weather, sit on the balcony at a table with a book or chess, drink tea, or, conversely, soft drinks. However, the rest of the table is an obstacle on the cramped balcony area. Output in the manufacture of collapsible or folding option. One of the types of compact balcony table offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”. It is a folding design, which is a folded flat package on the wall, and after folding — a neat table with a semicircular top.

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From time immemorial came to us GRID (as defined by the famous Russian language dictionary by V. dal — “all non-continuous thing with skvoznoy, allowing spans”) and a SIEVE (“drum with mesh bottom for proshivki what the large sieve: a sort of box with a perforated bottom” — ibid.). Entering as an integral part of many machines and mechanisms, they do not seem to lose its relevance in its original form. Moreover, complement each other, gaining new qualities, as it is convincingly shown a thematic compilation of submissions received from Ukraine.

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PIPE? We will CUT!

PIPE? We will CUT!Cut the pipe threads have not only a plumber. Many people today are forced to learn the profession of home wizard.
But in each case there are certain difficulties, to overcome which requires skills, otherwise much time will be spent in vain, and materials in waste. For threading the plane of the die must be strictly perpendicular to the axis of the part. However, the more dice, the harder it is to fulfill this condition, especially at the beginning of operation when most needed, because plasmodesmatal not to need much pressure.

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