ERASES AND WITHOUT PRESSUREModern washing machines are in the process of Laundry is almost without the intervention of the hostess. She can only put the clothes in and pull it out after washing. Therefore, to acquire such dreams of every housewife in the city and in the countryside. But connecting them in the countryside could become a “headache”, as Central water (or sufficient pressure in it), as a rule, there.

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Shoe storage is always a problem Shoe tables that are usually sold in stores, structurally, are ordinary boxes with shelves that aren’t good for storing shoes. This fact motivated to construct his own version, different from purchase. The main advantages of the proposed design are compact with high-capacity access to the whole Shoe at once and the possibility of adapting it to the specific conditions (size of premises) in the manufacture.

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Well the chess — Board with Fi!urami doesn’t require much space, can even be pocket, can not be said about fans of table tennis: they require at least a little, but the room, the main area which is a table (very disturbing in the non-playing time). The proposed design solves this problem — after play the table can be compactly folded. Moreover, from below it is mounted a small cart on wheels furniture, allowing you to easily move the folded table in a convenient storage place.

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Circular saw— a very useful thing in any household. On the usefulness of it, perhaps, is in second place after the drill. About design systems: easy-peasy. The basis of it —motor type TAO-AND from the washing machine. The electric motor is not necessary to purchase especially for the time it can be removed from the available machines (it is quite easy to dismantle), simultaneously lubricated bearings. Notice that the margin of safety and durability, this unit is very significant, so it is a temporary use of the saw will not lead to a noticeable reduction in resource most of the washing machine.

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Soon again the New year. Until the next national holiday remained about three months. I know from personal experience that the Christmas tree is put in a house literally in the last days (if not hours) of the Old year. But I pity the young pine-trees, annually srubami in favor of age-old traditions, and the ax are the most beautiful and fluffy. Remembering that Peter king himself hung the branches of the Christmas tree on the wall of the festive halls, I decided to apply his experience in the New year to decorate the house with a few of the lower branches of Scots pine.

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DIAPHRAGM PUMPSWe offer homemade compressor is designed for use in the home. With its help you can quickly and efficiently carry out paint work or the pump wheel of the car. The compressor consists of a motor and driven in a movement of the nozzle of the pump.The nozzle is mounted on the mounting plate, is mounted on three studs. Pump — diaphragm type. It consists of an aluminum head, to which the studs are attached to the socket of the intake and exhaust valves, and diaphragm of rubberized fabric sandwiched between the head and the steel ring. With the pressure plate diaphragm connected with the piston and the connecting rod.

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POP-UPCockroaches: they were not done by people to get rid of these black and red rogues, but the Extermination of such resilient insect still is a problem. Especially for the residents of densely populated high-rise buildings, dormitories and dilapidated “hruschob”. To a very promising means of control of cockroaches is possible, in my opinion, to include electroshock devices, even of the simplest type. I, in particular, has been a “electrovoice” to exterminate an entire Armada Ryuusei insects at the entrance directed to the former owner of the apartment.

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WINDOW OF EUROPEThe glass their hands. Scientists are constantly talking about global warming, but nature in winter so additional “tightening” frosts and blizzards, which casts doubt on this assumption. In those days, in the homes included all the available heating devices. It isn’t getting warmer. Then you have to think about how to provide a comfortable temperature in the house is in any cold weather.Experts say that about half of the heat from the premises goes through the Windows. And this despite the fact that the window area does not exceed one tenth of the area of all other enclosing structures (floor, ceiling, walls).

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Oven is better to put. Built by the owner, it will serve him throughout life; only once in 7-8 years, it will have to be clean (soot typed 2-3 buckets, because the rate of increase of its thickness on the surface of the chimney up to 2 cm per year). So, oven-shield (Fig. 1). It has five wells and five turns of smoke. More of them should not do: be a bad pull, because the pipe needs to heat up — then it works like a hood (if for this purpose I had to set the blower motor, the power it needs to achieve 0.2 kW). Three turns too bad — large heat loss.

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The child imitates adults, and when the whole family sits at the table, he also wants to sit at a large, not for the child table. And then the mother to feed him. There is a special malyshovogo chairs on high legs, pulls to a regular dining table. But the kid quickly grows out of them. However, you can make a simple but versatile highchair that will and outdoor, and can be used for feeding of the child at the adult table.

We offer Polish magazine “Prob myself” option, children’s high chair is expected to be placed on an ordinary chair. And without risk, for a guaranteed retainer, fixing small chair on the big.

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