The ceiling today has become a familiar element of the interior and in the office and in the home living room. Want to offer a simplified method of finishing the ceiling lining, which does not require a rigid frame and nails. The ceiling in the literal sense of the word hangs over my head on a conventional wire or cables. As can be seen from the drawings, the suspended ceiling can be of different forms. The easiest option is to mount only the cables on the walls. Sealing fasteners must be absolutely reliable: in the main wall to do this drill a deep hole, where vmurovyvayut durable anchor; interior wall light type drill through and use a long anchor bolt or threaded stud.
It has long been observed that the water surface effect on people calming. It is very valuable in our troubled time, when the human nervous system is subjected to constant emotional tension and stress. That’s why nice to countryside passing near any body of water. If there is no nearby natural, it is possible to construct an artificial, albeit small, but directly on the garden or summer cottage. Moreover, there is an option that does not require special materials and cost and available in the production of almost everyone.
In country furnishing commonly used A-shaped (in profile) folding chairs: they are comfortable, reliable, easy to carry. But for a full set of them requires the same folding table. We offer German magazine “Cultures und Heim” table could not be better coordinated with these chairs: it is also foldable, is based on the two sliding supports, which consist of a framework of connected card loops. Frames are knocked together or are assembled from wooden planks with cross section of 50×25 mm.
The construction of the cellars starts with the Foundation. To do this, the perimeter of digging a trench with a depth of 30— 40 cm and a width of 70-80 cm On the outer side of the trenches set the plate of foam with a height of 30-40 cm If only packing foam, its pre-wrapped with roofing material. Installing such plates are pursuing two goals: prevent the freezing floor of the cellar in the winter and penetration of rodents. After the installation of the insulation trench is filled with sand to 10-15 cm above ground level. Then, on the surface, a few larger cellars, on the sand put a waterproofing from two or three layers of plastic film or roofing material. Top waterproofing is also filled with sand and a surface level.
Flush storage shed
My house — my fortress. And the fortress must be strong lock. It is clear even to children. An example of this is Evgeny Lebedev, the pupil 3 classes of school № 3 of the city of Kostroma. Practicing at the station of young technicians, he if the task of the invention has devised a system of linear displacement of the plates, which formed the basis for the design of the attachment of the tripartite lock for locking doors. The proposed closure device is quite simple, but to make it enough of a Vice, drill and a couple files. Mounted it with any rim locks, in this case cylinder Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg.