It is a tool for soil I made in order to ease hard work as to dig the ground a normal shovel, constantly bending down, then straightening, with the years became increasingly difficult. The device of the invention is small (it received the copyright certificate), but he is useful now not back pain even after prolonged operation.The gun I tried to combine the advantages of the shovel (lever) and plough (turning soil).

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It is believed that creates a cozy apartment curtains — case female. But hanging them seemingly male? However, I want to share my female experience, how to solve the problem about which men are unaware.
The fact is that now on sale there are beautiful curtains with pelmet. They are good in the kitchen and in any room.

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In the everyday kitchen, as a rule, plays the role and a dining area for Breakfast and dinner, here, feed the children, because everything is at hand.
But to sit at the table with a big family or numerous guests, preferably in a spacious room. So the dishes need to carry dishes back and forth. In this case it helps the tray. But still better to have a serving table on wheels. Its advantages — for the mobility. * The design proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”, is both simple and original, as it combines the functions and trolleys, and tray.

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To make this easy and convenient truck — an assistant gardener and grower — only need that, and so there are in any country or agriculture. But serve it on any auxiliary works: delivered to the cargo area to flip in the right place, planting material is a ride, with the water cans to go.
Thanks to the Bicycle wheel it the best, compared to car, cross-country, and a removable wall makes it dump when unloading free— flowing materials-sand, humus, earth.

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Now not only giving, but even small garden houses owners seek to equip attic. Therefore, must be “way up” the ladder.
It can be constructed both outside and inside the house. Despite the diversity of structures like stairs, they all share a common flaw: if they are made of wood, how would qualitatively nor was complied with — the passage of time begin under the weight of the steps disgusting to creak.

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With a sidecar AND TRAILER

I read in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 12 1992 publication A. Tatarnikova from Ust-Kamenogorsk “Compliant trailer”. She told me the decision, at first glance, quite ordinary, and the understanding of the almost insoluble problem: how to equip a motorcycle with a sidecar in this trailer that would move him rut in a rut?


In any garden, each cottage or country house needs water, water in such places, as a rule, no. Dig a well if the water is deep, time-consuming and expensive. To arrange it is advisable when there are a-abstraction, i.e. in that case the well will benefit many people. Most owners want to have a small but private underground life-giving source and so does the casing of the well, with simple equipment, on their own.

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Indoor plants, even if they are not in bloom, pleasing to the eye is a part of nature. But for the growers is always a problem where to place them in the house? The most common options: on the window sill, in pots, on walls or on floor stands. What if, indeed, collect them in your area, as proposed by the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”? For shade-loving plants, you can build a small picturesque hill, which can accommodate a fairly large number of pots. Such a composition not only decorate the room: the plant is easy to care for, to water.

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CAR-TRIPTYCHAny agricultural equipment used by gardeners and gardeners, operated mainly in the warm season, and the rest is just stored, waiting in the wings. Therefore, clear requirements: to be convenient not only in the work. Not by chance among the means of mechanization always special preference to enjoy or compact or collapsible, or folding. As, for example, represented here car-truck proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.

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Water for household needs and irrigation is supplied to a suburban area from the aqueduct or from a well (well of water) pump. In the case of breakage of the pump or too low pressure in the pipeline (for example, of the mass watering in the evening) it is advisable to have water in reserve. In addition, the supernatant and the sun-warmed water is nicer to everyone: both people and plants. The capacity for this is usually a metal barrel raised above the ground on poles, so that the liquid has been drained from it by gravity. About simple equipment such as “water towers” and will be discussed.