SEAPLANE MBR-2SEAPLANE MBR-2. Scale model 1:33.

The proposed paper model is a copy of the specific MBR-2, anoit the collective nature of the image of the sea “ambarchik” plane, designed for intelligence, but due to circumstances became a night bomber in the early and most difficult years of the great Patriotic war.

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CLOWN-RUNNERAmong the “walking” toys that kids love to haul on the rope or to push in front of him, the most attractive dynamic: if any item jumping, waving, jumping or rotated. These qualities, it meets the proposed trolley “Clown”: a funny stick figure moves in front of a kid, funny her feet in high boots, glimpsed under bulky suitcases.

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SHELF-WIREGlass shelf very well with the mirror. But to mount glass on glass is not so easy. So usually shelf clips different ways under the mirror on the wall. However the design is not the same. Also have to mess up the wall, and this is particularly undesirable if it is tiled.

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Small beam circular sawBalance small circular saw. After pruning trees in the garden goes into the waste a significant amount of branches of various thickness. Usually they go on the stove. Small branches are easily chopped with an axe, and the larger cut. Hand sawing — it is quite time consuming. To ease the gardening chores, I made a portable circular power saw. Quite light and compact. In addition, it balance, but more on that below.

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CAROUSEL SPICEHave exemplary housewife always stock a variety of spices, designed for cooking tasty, delicious dishes — be it first, second, rolls, or dessert. And, of course, well, if all this is not necessary to look for cabinets and shelves, and have, that is, always at hand. This will help simple, but very convenient rack-spinner, proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”. It is easy to make your own, the benefit of the construction and materials available any DIY.

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TABLE FOR GROWTHWell, if the child has a table for games and activities. But it would be even better if the table is always appropriate for the age, or rather of the growth of the baby. Design table proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”, allows you to adjust its height. This is achieved by the fact that the legs are made separately and attached to the table furniture bolts with wing nuts. Thus, it is possible to change the level of their installation, choosing a pair of suitable holes.

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FLOWER CHARIOTEven a small suburban area should not all be filled with raised beds and a decorative “patch”, which would be decorated with flowers and pleasing to the eye. It is not necessary to build a traditional flower bed – there are different designs of flower beds, just need a little imagination. The original “flower bed” on wheels offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”. Two old wagon wheels, metal strips from waste of scrap metal and a few wooden sticks and planks available at hand – that’s all that will be required for the construction of the flower garden.

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QUARTER BRICKPartitions of brick in construction are widely distributed. Without them it is difficult to do even in houses built of wood. In many cases, for example, in the construction of sanitary units, boiler rooms and other similar areas, brick walls are simply irreplaceable. They are fireproof and moisture proof, environmentally friendly, not susceptible to rot, frost, do not lose strength at high temperatures and thus do not emit harmful substances.

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Traditional hinged paddles allow you to do a powerful stroke, dramatically sending the boat forward. But it is not visible, but where is the Boat: the oarsman sits with his back to the nose, and to adjust course, we have to look back, especially if he’s alone and no one to tell, what of the oars need to work harder to course-correct. With the exception of kayaks: paddle, looking ahead, due to the feature landing paddler and person-to-side movement.

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AND THE SUN AND THE WINDAt their summer cottage in inclement weather you can hide in the room. However, on a Sunny day sometimes want to hide from the scorching rays. And if the area no big trees, which would give a saving shadow, then it is not necessary to build a solid capital gazebo, as is often done. It is possible to equip the area with simple covers, like shown in the figures. This is not difficult to find these available designs that will not only be saved from heat, but also decorate the area.

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