ELECTRIC CAR BATTERIESYou can make a simple model of the electric vehicle that will run on batteries. This will require: microelectrochemical PD-12A, flat battery, 4.5 V, two coils of No. 10 without thread, plate size 70X180X2 5 mm, the light from the flashlight, two knitting needles, scraps of wire, pieces of copper, thin cardboard. Prepare also a jig saw, small pliers, electric soldering iron for small jobs. Glue is better to take a synthetic, quickly hardening.

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DISAPPEARING STAIRSDISAPPEARING STAIRSNow, not only in large suburban homes or cottages tend to use pokrysheva space as the attic, even in small garden houses are cut in the ceiling hatch and equip the bedroom there (see a similar solution in the materials of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”: “Garden, one and a half floor”, No. 7, 1997, “a one-story, but with attic”, № 6, 2004).

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THE RAIN COVERS THE WINDOWDarkened sky, the wind rustled the leaves, and now the first drops were informed about the start of the rain. And then you remember: “But at home I have the window open!” And as it happens, an unfortunate forgetfulness does not remain without consequences: flooded floor in the bathroom, torn curtains, broken glass.

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WHO WINKING OWL?Check if we have enough skill to quietly steal up to the owl. This attraction is very easy to do, and a young handyman and his friends it will take many minutes. Let’s start with the stand 1. It should be cut out of the Board thickness of 25 mm on the dimensions shown in the drawing. The 2 bottom corners nailed or glued to the bottom of the device to enhance the battery 3336.

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IN THE ARSENAL OF THE MECHANICGreat interest among specialists of national economy and young workers caused held at the VDNKH all-Union review of achievements locksmiths innovators. This eloquent entry in the guestbook of the show. “Note the great practical value is shown innovative proposals locksmiths, and especially to reduce manual labor, increase productivity and improve working conditions”.

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